我正在 VSTS 中构建我的第一个版本,我不得不就 SO 提出一些问题.我现在已经能够恢复 nuget 包并构建我的项目,但现在我必须确保将工件复制到正确的位置.由于这个原因,我的最后一次构建尝试失败:目录 'd:a1a' 为空.不会添加任何内容来构建工件drop".我的构建定义为;
I am making my first build in VSTS and I have had to ask a number of questions on SO.I have now been able to restore nuget packages and build my project but now I have to ensure the artifacts are copied to the right place.My last build attempt failed for this reason: Directory 'd:a1a' is empty. Nothing will be added to build artifact 'drop'.My build is defined as;
.Net Core 构建;
The .Net Core build;
And from the build I get this error;
Directory 'd:a1a' is empty. Nothing will be added to build artifact 'drop'.
How do I fix this?
First, remove ";" before Properties.EF6 (/t:;Properties.EF6;Sir.Domain).
注意:如果 Sir.WebUI 依赖于 Properties.EF6、Sir.Domain、Sir.EF6 和 StandardClassLibrary,您只需要构建 Sir.WebUI 项目.
Note: If Sir.WebUI dependency on Properties.EF6, Sir.Domain, Sir.EF6 and StandardClassLibrary, you just need to build Sir.WebUI project.
其次,对于.Net Core任务,将build命令改为publish,参数为-o $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)SIR.
Secondly, for .Net Core task, change build command to publish and arguments is -o $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)SIR.
Thirdly, remove Copy Files task (do not need to copy files to artifact).
这篇关于VSTS:目录 'd:a1a' 为空.不会添加任何内容来构建工件“drop"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!