

我在复合C1中保存页面时遇到问题。它工作很好很长一段时间,我不记得在Composite安装任何新的。现在,当我点击保存并在经常更改的网页上发布时,会弹出一条消息保存资源 - pagename已修改,保存更改?我单击是,但保存和发布按钮保持活动。它不保存我的更改。看来10分之一的时间或我可以保存的东西,但大多数时候它失败。这可能是我的主机的问题吗?如果是,那是什么?我可以在某处查看日志吗?

I am having problems saving pages in Composite C1. It worked fine for a long while and I don't recall installing anything new in Composite. Now when I click save and publish on a page on which I've made changes often it will pop up with a message saying "Save Resource? - 'pagename' has been modified. Save changes?" I click yes but the save and publish button keeps being active. It doesn't save my changes. It seems that 1 out of 10 times or something I can save, but most times it fails. Could this be a problem with my hosting? If so, what could that be? Can I see a log somewhere?



One of the tabs contain a field that needs a value. If you open up that tab, you should see one of the fields have a 'value missing' alert, marked with red. Try tabbing through tabs to see if this is the case.

这是一个在Composite v3.2中的错误,选项卡包含验证错误的字段(如缺失值')未在视觉上突出显示。通常,当您按保存时,选项卡上会显示一个红色警报图标,并提示您打开此选项卡。

It is a bug in Composite v3.2 that the tab(s) containing fields with validation errors (like 'missing value') isn't visually highlighted. Normally a red alert icon shows up on the tab when you press save, and hints you to go open up this tab.


11-01 00:09