本文介绍了网络API服务 - 如何使在服务器的请求被同时执行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用的WebAPI休息服务控制器,由IIS 7.5托管,

I am using a WebApi rest service controller, hosted by IIS 7.5,as i understood from this post:


A 的WebAPI 服务,默认情况下,并行执行所有传入的请求,但只有如果在当前多个请求(在一定的时间)来自不同的会话。

A webApi service, by default, executes all its incoming requests in parallel, but only if the current multiple requests (at a certain time) came from different sessions.That is to say, if single client will send some simultaneously requests to server, all of them will be executed sequentially and won't be executed concurrently.


This behavior is a real problem for us, because in some cases, our client sends bunch of requests from different client's listeners, asynchronously (by browser), and all of them will actually be queued instead of being executed concurrently at the server. Therefore, in some cases, we experiencing a serious performance issues which are really noticeable at the client's web page.


How can we solve this problem?I understand we can maybe disable session state but that isn't a normal thing to do.


其实,禁用会话状态是的正常的用于Web API的解决方案。如果你需要它的一些/所有的通话,你可以调用的(例如,从的Application_BeginRequest )。多个只读会话状态请求可以同时运行。

Actually, disabling session state is the normal solution for web APIs. If you need it for some/all of your calls, you can call HttpContext.SetSessionStateBehavior (e.g., from Application_BeginRequest). Multiple read-only session state requests can run concurrently.

这篇关于网络API服务 - 如何使在服务器的请求被同时执行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 21:33