我们有较早的经验和许多可重用的代码/组件,主要是使用 Spring MVC、Hibernate、PostgreSQL 数据库完成的.
We have earlier experiences and lots of reusable code/components mostly done using Spring MVC, Hibernate, PostgreSQL database.
但最近我们计划开始一个新项目.我们决定在 Scala 中使用 Play 框架.我们是 Scala 的 Play 框架的新成员.因此我们无法决定使用什么 ORM(对象关系映射)框架.由于有很多可重用的代码,我们希望选择Hibernate.
But recently we are planning to start a new project. We decided to use Play framework with Scala. We are new in Play framework with Scala. Thus we couldn't decided what ORM (Object-relational mapping) framework to use. Because of many reusable code, we wish to select Hibernate.
我们发现关于 Hibernate 的可怕词是JPA 在 Scala 中使用 Hibernate 和 play 这可能不是最好的方法,它应该被视为遗留和弃用".我们真的很困惑使用什么?
We found scary words regarding Hibernate as "JPA using Hibernate in Scala with play it is probably not the best way, and it should be considered as legacy and deprecated". We are really confused what to use?
在寻找可能性时,我们发现了 Anorm 和 Hibernate.可能存在一些我们尚不知道的其他框架.
While searching for possibilities we found Anorm and Hibernate. There could be some other framework exist, that we don't know yet.
那么请建议我们将什么用于带有 Scala 和 PostgreSQL 的 Play 框架?
So please suggest us what to use for Play framework with Scala and PostgreSQL?
如果您确实想要一个 ORM,那么 JPA 可能是您要走的路.这将迫使您拥有可变域模型类等,但也许这是您愿意接受的权衡.(就我个人而言,我不会)
If you definitely want an ORM then JPA is probably the road to go. This will force you to have mutable domain model classes etc. but maybe this is a trade off you are willing to accept. (Personally, I wouldn't)
If you are open to alternative ways to talk to a database there are a few interesting options:
- anorm - 接近 SQL 但比直接使用 JDBC 好得多 - https://playframework.com/documentation/2.3.7/ScalaAnorm
- slick - 功能关系映射",类型安全查询 - http://slick.typesafe.com
- activate - 带有可插入持久性后端的软件事务内存" - http://activate-framework.org
- anorm - Close to SQL but way nicer than using JDBC directly - https://playframework.com/documentation/2.3.7/ScalaAnorm
- slick - "Functional Relational Mapping", typesafe queries - http://slick.typesafe.com
- activate - "Software Transactional Memory" with pluggable persistence backends - http://activate-framework.org
Here is a pretty good blog post that compares different libraries: http://manuel.bernhardt.io/2014/02/04/a-quick-tour-of-relational-database-access-with-scala/
这篇关于哪些是可用于带有 Scala 和 PostgreSQL 的 Play 框架的最佳数据访问选项?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!