我有一些数据库,不想为每个数据库创建单独的用户帐户. MongoDB支持使用另一个数据库中定义的帐户对访问数据库进行身份验证的概念,但是语法示例很难找到.
I have a few databases and didn't want to create separate user accounts for each one. MongoDB supports the notion of authenticating access to a database using accounts defined in another database but examples of syntax are hard to come by.
I was on the verge of posting a question when i finally figured it out. Here goes in case it helps someone else
Here's the syntax for a mongodb, mongoose, node setup.
通过mongo shell在admin数据库中创建数据库用户
Create the database user in the admin database from the mongo shell
use admin
db.addUser( { user: "mydbuser", pwd: "mypassword", roles: [ ] } )
Create the database and add the user - the userSource indicates thatthe credentials are defined in the admin database
use mydb
db.addUser( { user: "mydbuser", userSource: "admin" , roles: [ "readWrite" , "dbAdmin"] } )
Specify the auth parameter in the mongoose connection string
var myDB = mongoose.createConnection("mongodb://mydbuser:mypassword@myipaddress:27017/mydb" ,{auth:{authdb:"admin"}});
the option {auth:...} is what specifies that the user account must be authenticated against the admin db.
类似地从mongo shell连接到数据库
Similarly to connect to the database from the mongo shell
mongo myipaddr:27017/mydb -u "mydbuser" -p "mypassword"
Note: The user "mydbuser" had only read/write and admin access to mydb. you can find more information on user privileges here. A fuller example of the scenario is here