

我试图在Windows 10计算机上使用带有PyCharm的python进行一些Web抓取.一些站点建议使用lxml库,这听起来不错.我正在尝试加载包裹,但遇到了麻烦.我该怎么办?

I am trying to do some web scrapping using python with PyCharm on a windows 10 machine. Some sites suggest using lxml library and it sounds good. I am trying to load the package but am having trouble. What should I do?

好的,很好.我将在软件包安装程序中添加lxml 3.6.4,它失败并显示以下消息:

OK great. I go to add lxml 3.6.4 in the package installer and it fails with the message(s):

ERROR: b"'xslt-config' is not recognized as an internal or external command,\r\noperable program or batch file.\r\n"

Could not find function xmlCheckVersion in library libxml2. Is libxml2 installed?


I installed libxml2dom via the package installer but that does not do the trick


xslt-config is not one of the available packages in the available packages installerlibxml2 is also not an available package

我没有从可用软件包的选项中看到"libxml2".但我确实看到"libxml2-python" 2.6.21我尝试安装它,但失败,并显示以下消息:

I do not see "libxml2" from the options of available packages. But I do see "libxml2-python" 2.6.21I tried to install it, but it fails with the message:

Collecting libxml2-python==2.6.21
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement libxml2-python==2.6.21 (from versions: )

No matching distribution found for libxml2-python==2.6.21

我已经能够加载其他软件包使用python解释器3.5.2使用PyCharm Community Edition 2016.2.3

I have been able to load other packagesUsing python interpreter 3.5.2Using PyCharm Community Edition 2016.2.3


lxml需要C/C ++库libxmllibxstl,因此您必须首先安装它.但是它们不是Python模块,而是标准库-可能是libxml.dlllibxstl.dll.

lxml needs C/C++ libraries libxml, libxstl so you have to install it first. But they are not Python modules but standard libraries - probably libxml.dll, libxstl.dll.

lxml可能还需要此库或C/C ++头文件*.h和C/C ++编译器的源代码来编译lxml

lxml may need also source code for this libraries or C/C++ header files *.h and C/C++ compiler to compile lxml

对于Windows存在带有预编译模块的非官方Windows Python扩展包二进制文件并且有lxml

For Windows exists Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages with precompiled modules and there is lxml

但是(对于Windows用户而言)更容易使用 Anaconda发行版,它可以从Python安装相同的Python .org,但具有额外的预编译模块,例如lxml.请参见模块列表.

But much easier (for Windows user) is use Anaconda distribution which installs the same Python from Python.org but with extra, precompiled modules like lxml. See list of modules.


PyCharm can use different Python with different project so you can have installed current Python and Anaconda and use them both in PyCharm.


09-01 15:51