我正在使用Visual Studio向导映射的Sqlserver中有3个实体
I have 3 entities in Sqlserver that I am mapping with the wizard of visual Studio
这三个实体是包类别和packages_categories,其中packages_categories具有多对多关系.映射这些实体后,我得到2个类,分别是Category和Packages,它们看起来像这样:公共部分课程包 { 公共包() { 类别=新的HashSet(); }
The three entities are packages categories and packages_categories,where packages_categories an many to many relationship.After mapping These entities I am geting 2 classes wich are Categories and Packages,they look like this:public partial class Package { public Package() { this.Categories = new HashSet(); }
public string PackageSid { get; set; }
public string PackageName { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Category> Categories { get; set; }
公共局部类类别 { 公共类别 { this.Packages = new HashSet(); }
public partial class Category { public Category() { this.Packages = new HashSet(); }
public int CategoryId { get; set; }
public string CategoryName { get; set; }
public bool isDefault { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Package> Packages { get; set; }
and I am getting nothing for the entity of the many to many relationship(this one of packages_categories)the hall Thing works great when I try to get info from packages for example then every time i try to query a packages i get ist packages with it and the same Thing when i try to get packages of categories.
The Problem is when i try to update a package and add categories to it then the category will be added not just to the entitiy packages_categories but also to categories self
var categoriesList=List<Categoriy>();
categoriesList.Add(new Cateogry{
var _packagesContext=new DBPackages();
_packagesContext.Add(new Packages{
packageSid="Sid blaaa.",
Now in this code a package with one category will be added to the database,but if the category already there an exception will be thrown that a the category is already there(lets suppose it is already there,this means it tries to add it to Categories self),
我该如何解决这样的问题?我究竟做错了什么 :(非常感谢.
How can i solve a Problem like this?? what am I doing wrong :(Thanx very much.
In order to avoid creating new categories you must attach them to the context before you add the new package:
var _packagesContext=new DBPackages();
categoriesList.ForEach(c => _packagesContext.Categories.Attach(c));
_packagesContext.Add(new Packages {
packageSid="Sid blaaa.",