本文介绍了使用 Ant 将 EAR 部署到远程 websphere 应用服务器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想将持续集成服务器中的 EAR 文件构建自动部署到 websphere 应用程序服务器.我查找了 Ant 任务 wsdeploy,但是 文档 真的一点帮助都没有.我将此添加到我的蚂蚁脚本中:

I want to automatically deploy a EAR file build in our continuous integration server to a websphere application server. I looked up the Ant task wsdeploy, but the documentation really isn't helpful at all. I added this to my ant script:

WSDeploy Ant 任务

    <fileset dir="${dir.was.plugins}">
        <include name="**/*.jar" />
<taskdef name="wsdeploy" classname="com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.WSDeploy" />
<target name="deploy">
    <wsdeploy inputFile="myearfile.ear"
              trace="true" />


我不知道如何指定远程服务器地址,我很高兴能得到一些教程链接,或者是一个可以将 EAR 部署到 websphere 服务器的有效 Ant 片段.

I don't know how to specify the remote server address and I'd be glad to get some links to tutorials or maybe a working Ant snippet to deploy an EAR to the websphere server.

我们已经为 portlet 运行了一些 SCP 和 SSHEXEC 任务,它们正在调用 XMLAccess 接口来放置和启动 portlet.我是否也必须为 EAR 调整该脚本,还是自动部署 EAR 文件的方式完全错误?

We already have some SCP and SSHEXEC tasks running for the portlets, and they're calling the XMLAccess interface to place and start the portlets. Do I have to adapt that scripts for the EAR too or is that a completely wrong way to automatically deploy an EAR file?

更新 2

我重写了我的 ant 脚本,现在不再有 ClassNotFoundException 了.尽管如此,还是有一个意想不到的行为:脚本想要使用我从未指定过的配置文件...

I rewrote my ant script and now there is no ClassNotFoundException anymore. Still, there is an unexpected behavior: The script wants to use a profile I never specified...


%WAS_HOME%\bin\ws_ant.bat -Duser.install.root="%WAS_HOME%\profiles\EXPECTEDPROFILE" -f buildall.xml "%1"

我想用 EXPECTEDPROFILE 运行所有这些,但下面的错误消息表明涉及另一个配置文件 UNEXPECTEDPROFILE.

I want to run all this with EXPECTEDPROFILE, but the error message that is following suggests that there is another profile UNEXPECTEDPROFILE involved.


  [wsadmin] WASX7023E: Fehler beim Erstellen der "SOAP"-Verbindung zu "MYHOST". Informationen zur Ausnahme: com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.ConnectorNotAvailableException: com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.ConnectorNotAvailableException: ADMC0016E: Das System kann keinen SOAP-Connector erstellen, um die Verbindung zum Host MYHOST an Port MYPORT herzustellen.
  [wsadmin] WASX7213I: Dieser Script-Client ist mit keinem Serverprozess verbunden. Pr?fen Sie, ob in der Protokolldatei /PATH/TO/UNEXPECTEDT/PROFILE/logs\wsadmin.traceout n?here Einzelheiten enthalten sind.
  [wsadmin] WASX8011W: Das AdminTask-Objekt ist nicht verfügbar.
  [wsadmin] WASX7015E: Beim Ausf?hren des Befehls "$AdminApp list" ist eine Ausnahme eingetreten. Informationen zur Ausnahme:
  [wsadmin] com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException: WASX7206W: Der Application Management Service ist nicht aktiv. Die Befehle f?r die Anwendungsverwaltung k?nnen nicht ausgef?hrt werden.
  [wsadmin] Java Result: 103

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使用 wsinstallapp

阅读JoseKs 的回答后 我尝试使用 wsinstallapp 来安装我的应用程序与这个 Ant 目标:

After reading JoseKs answer I tried to use wsinstallapp to install my application with this Ant target:

<taskdef name="wsInstallApp" classname="com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.InstallApplication" classpath="${dir.was.plugins}/com.ibm.ws.runtime_6.1.0.jar" />

<target name="deploy" depends="EAR">
        failonerror="true" />


[wsInstallApp] Anwendung wird installiert [/path/to/MYAPPLICATION.ear]...
  [wsadmin] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main
  [wsadmin]     at com.ibm.wsspi.bootstrap.WSPreLauncher.launchEclipse(WSPreLauncher.java:335)
  [wsadmin]     at com.ibm.wsspi.bootstrap.WSPreLauncher.main(WSPreLauncher.java:91)
  [wsadmin] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main
  [wsadmin]     at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:496)
  [wsadmin]     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:631)
  [wsadmin]     at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:349)
  [wsadmin]     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:597)
  [wsadmin]     ... 2 more

我不知道为什么任务要搜索 Eclipse 类...

I don't know why the task is searching for an Eclipse class...


我相信将 EAR 实际部署到远程 Websphere 的 ant 任务是 wsInstallApp 如文档所述 这里

I believe the ant task for actually deploying the EAR onto the remote Websphere is wsInstallApp as documented here

<taskdef name="wsInstallApp" classname="com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.InstallApplication"/>

                  wasHome="location of websphere installation"
                  ear="the ear file you wish to install"
                  options="the options to pass to the installation process"
                  properties="java properties file containing attributes to set in the JVM System properties"
                  profile="a script file to be executed before the main command or file"
                  conntype="specifies the type of connection to be used."
                  host="the host to connect to"
                  port="the port on the host to connect to"
                  user="user ID to authenticate with"
        password="password to authenticate with"
        failonerror="true | false"/>

这篇关于使用 Ant 将 EAR 部署到远程 websphere 应用服务器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-27 19:59