本文介绍了Facebook SDK v4 for PHP 最小示例的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm trying to get the minimal example

using FacebookFacebookSession;


// Use one of the helper classes to get a FacebookSession object.
//   FacebookRedirectLoginHelper
//   FacebookCanvasLoginHelper
//   FacebookJavaScriptLoginHelper
// or create a FacebookSession with a valid access token:
$session = new FacebookSession('access-token-here');

// Get the GraphUser object for the current user:

try {
  $me = (new FacebookRequest(
    $session, 'GET', '/me'
  echo $me->getName();
} catch (FacebookRequestException $e) {
  // The Graph API returned an error
} catch (Exception $e) {
  // Some other error occurred

来自 README 工作,但我不明白第一行代码是什么意思.我必须在 SDK 文件结构中使用该最小代码示例将 PHP 文件放在哪里.我直接在 src 文件夹中尝试过,但是返回了以下 PHP 错误

from the README working, but I don't understand what the first line of code means. Where do I have to put the PHP file using that minimal code example within the SDK file structure. I tried directly in the src folder, but that returns the following PHP error

[01-May-2014 20:12:26 Europe/Berlin] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected 'Facebook' (T_STRING) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/facebook-php-sdk-v4/src/test.php on line 9


├── src
│   ├── Facebook
│   │   ├── FacebookAuthorizationException.php
│   │   ├── FacebookCanvasLoginHelper.php
│   │   ├── FacebookClientException.php
│   │   ├── FacebookJavaScriptLoginHelper.php
│   │   ├── FacebookOtherException.php
│   │   ├── FacebookPermissionException.php
│   │   ├── FacebookRedirectLoginHelper.php
│   │   ├── FacebookRequest.php
│   │   ├── FacebookRequestException.php
│   │   ├── FacebookResponse.php
│   │   ├── FacebookSDKException.php
│   │   ├── FacebookServerException.php
│   │   ├── FacebookSession.php
│   │   ├── FacebookThrottleException.php
│   │   ├── GraphLocation.php
│   │   ├── GraphObject.php
│   │   ├── GraphSessionInfo.php
│   │   ├── GraphUser.php
│   │   └── fb_ca_chain_bundle.crt
│   └── test.php


最近解决了这个问题.因为 sdk 有 autoload.php 文件,所以你不需要使用 require 等.只需在开始时包含该 autoload.php

have recently solved this.as there is autoload.php file available with sdk you dont need to use require etc etc.just include that autoload.php on the start

// added in v4.0.0
require_once 'autoload.php';

use FacebookFacebookSession;
use FacebookFacebookRedirectLoginHelper;
use FacebookFacebookRequest;
use FacebookFacebookResponse;
use FacebookFacebookSDKException;
use FacebookFacebookRequestException;
use FacebookFacebookAuthorizationException;
use FacebookGraphObject;
use FacebookEntitiesAccessToken;
use FacebookHttpClientsFacebookCurlHttpClient;
use FacebookHttpClientsFacebookHttpable;

// start session

// init app with app id and secret
FacebookSession::setDefaultApplication( 'app-id','app-secret' );

// login helper with redirect_uri

    $helper = new FacebookRedirectLoginHelper('http://yourhost/facebook/' );

try {
  $session = $helper->getSessionFromRedirect();
} catch( FacebookRequestException $ex ) {
  // When Facebook returns an error
} catch( Exception $ex ) {
  // When validation fails or other local issues

// see if we have a session
if ( isset( $session ) ) {
  // graph api request for user data
  $request = new FacebookRequest( $session, 'GET', '/me' );
  $response = $request->execute();
  // get response
  $graphObject = $response->getGraphObject();

  // print data
  echo '<pre>' . print_r( $graphObject, 1 ) . '</pre>';
} else {
  // show login url
  echo '<a href="' . $helper->getLoginUrl() . '">Login</a>';


在此之后,您必须检查 autoload.php 文件中的路径

after this you must have to check the path in autoload.php file

$base_dir = defined('FACEBOOK_SDK_V4_SRC_DIR') ? FACEBOOK_SDK_V4_SRC_DIR : __DIR__ . '/src/Facebook/';

如果您更改了目录的名称,例如将所有文件从/src/Facebook/放置到/sdk/,则此行是默认代码,然后只需替换名称始终使用 die(__DIR__ . '/src/Facebook/'); 检查包含的路径确认是否正确.

this line is default code if u have changed the name of directories like placed all the files from /src/Facebook/ to /sdk/ then just replace the namealways check the included path by using die(__DIR__ . '/src/Facebook/');to make sure if it is correct.

这篇关于Facebook SDK v4 for PHP 最小示例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-27 03:59