I'm trying to throw a custom error with my "CustomError" class name printed in the console instead of "Error", with no success:
class CustomError extends Error {
constructor(message: string) {
super(`Lorem "${message}" ipsum dolor.`);
this.name = 'CustomError';
throw new CustomError('foo');
输出未捕获错误:Loremfooipsum dolor
我的期望:未捕获的CustomError:Loremfooipsum dolor
I wonder if that can be done using TS only (without messing with JS prototypes)?
Are you using typescript version 2.1, and transpiling to ES5? Check this section of the breaking changes page for possible issues and workaround: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript-wiki/blob/master/Breaking-Changes.md#extending-built-ins-like-error-array-and-map-may-no-longer-work
class FooError extends Error {
constructor(m: string) {
// Set the prototype explicitly.
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, FooError.prototype);
sayHello() {
return "hello " + this.message;
但是,FooError的任何子类都必须手动设置原型也是如此。对于不支持Object.setPrototypeOf的运行时,您可以使用 __ proto __
However, any subclass of FooError will have to manually set the prototype as well. For runtimes that don't support Object.setPrototypeOf, you may instead be able to use __proto__
不幸的是,这些变通办法不适用于Internet Explorer 10及更早版本。可以手动将原型中的方法复制到实例本身(即FooError.prototype上),但原型链本身无法修复。
Unfortunately, these workarounds will not work on Internet Explorer 10 and prior. One can manually copy methods from the prototype onto the instance itself (i.e. FooError.prototype onto this), but the prototype chain itself cannot be fixed.
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