我正在使用 mat-grid-list :https://material.angular.io/components/grid-list/examples
I am using mat-grid-list :https://material.angular.io/components/grid-list/examples
So in the documentation it is given (you can refer the link below) :
添加跨越多行或多列的磁贴可以使用 rowspan 和 colspan 属性单独设置每个 mat-grid-tile 的 rowspan 和 colspan.如果未设置,则它们都默认为 1. colspan 不得超过 mat-grid-list 中的 cols 数.然而,对 rowspan 没有这样的限制,只会为它添加更多的行来填充瓷砖.
Adding tiles that span multiple rows or columnsIt is possible to set the rowspan and colspan of each mat-grid-tile individually, using the rowspan and colspan properties. If not set, they both default to 1. The colspan must not exceed the number of cols in the mat-grid-list. There is no such restriction on the rowspan however, more rows will simply be added for it the tile to fill.
But my Issue is that I want a structure like this :
将有三行,第一行 3 列,第二行 4 列和第三行 2 列.就像一个拼贴画框.每行的列数将动态发送.
there will be three rows and in the first row 3 columns, 2nd Row 4 columns and 3rd row 2 columns. Like a collage frame. the number of columns per row will be send dynamically.
Is there any solution or an alternative way of achieving this?refer this Image : https://i.stack.imgur.com/AhsrY.png
Yes you can change the columns and rows dynamic for every tile.
<mat-grid-list cols="{{desired_columns}}" rowHeight="{{desired_rowHeight}}">
*ngFor="let tile of tiles"
你在你的 typescript
That's one way by using a list e.g. tiles
that you have in your typescript
class and set the values dynamic.
或者您可以在 html 中创建您的 mat-grid-tile
手册,但仍然为每个 tile
Or you can create your mat-grid-tile
s manual in html, but still set different column and row spans for each tile
<mat-grid-tile [colspan]=1 [rowspan]=2>
<mat-grid-tile [colspan]=4 [rowspan]=1>
<mat-grid-tile [colspan]=3 [rowspan]=2>
这篇关于动态更改角度材料 mat-grid-list 中的列值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!