


如果您摆脱了 - 可以很快做到这一点

  Prelude>(map(map read)。map words。lines $('a', 3)('b',4)\\\
('c',5)):: [[(Char,Int)]]

  genericReadLines :: Read a => String  - > [[a]] 
genericReadLines = map(map阅读)。map words。lines


  * Main>(genericReadLines('a',3)('b',4)\\\
('c',5)):: [[(Char,Int)]]


  readCharInts :: String  - > [[(Char,Int)]] 
readCharInts = genericReadLines
$ b $ readInts :: String - > [[Int]]
readInts = genericReadLines

$ b $ p
$ b pre $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ *主> readInts1 2 3\\\
4 5 6\\\
7 8 9
*主> readCharInts('a',3)('b',4)\\\
[[('a',3),('b',4)], [('c',5)]]

但是如何保持 - ?您必须使用Maybe数据类型来表示对列表中的某些点没有值;我们可以使用 - 作为 Nothing 和 a 的缩写。 的简写。

 阅读'::阅读a => ;字符串 - >也许一个
读' - =没有
读'xs = Just(读xs)

我应该警告你,如果你的数据可能是' - ',那么代码是脆弱的,但也许它不能。

  genericMaybeReadLines :: Read a =>字符串 - > [[也许a]] 
genericMaybeReadLines =地图(地图阅读')。地图字。行


  readMaybeCharInts :: String  - > [[Maybe(Char,Int)]] 
readMaybeCharInts = genericMaybeReadLines

readMaybeInts :: String - > [[Maybe Int]]
readMaybeInts = genericMaybeReadLines


  * Main> readMaybeCharInts('a',3)('b',4)\\\
[[Just('a',3),Just('b',4 )],[Nothing,Just('c',5)]]
* Main> readMaybeInts2 3 -\
4 - 2
[[Just 2,Just 3,Nothing],[Just 4,Nothing,Just 2]]

I am trying to write instance of Read class to read an input as string as follow:

"1 3 -
 - 2 3
 - - 5"

Convert it into [[Maybe Int]]

"-" will be translated into Nothing"3" will be Just 3

"('a',3) - ('b',7)
 ('c',5) ('e',0) -
 ('d',9) - ('h',8)"

Convert it into [[Maybe (Char,Int)]]

"-" will be translated into Nothing"('a',3)" will be Just ('a',3)

I tried to write them by handling with List of Char, but it takes a lot of work. Do you have any suggestion? Sorry, I am quite new to Haskell, so I ask you that question. :(


If you got rid of the - entries, you could do this very quickly as

Prelude> (map (map read) . map words. lines $ "('a',3) ('b',4)\n('c',5)")::[[(Char,Int)]]

Or define it as a function

genericReadLines :: Read a => String -> [[a]]
genericReadLines = map (map read) . map words. lines

Which you can use thus:

*Main> (genericReadLines "('a',3) ('b',4)\n('c',5)")::[[(Char,Int)]]

but you may find it easier to do

readCharInts :: String -> [[(Char,Int)]]
readCharInts = genericReadLines

readInts :: String -> [[Int]]
readInts = genericReadLines

So you can just type

*Main> readInts "1 2 3\n4 5 6\n7 8 9"
*Main> readCharInts "('a',3) ('b',4)\n('c',5)"

But what about keeping the -? You'll have to use a Maybe data type, to represent not having a value for certain points in your list; we can use - as shorthand for Nothing and a as shorthand for Just a.

read' :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
read' "-" = Nothing
read' xs = Just (read xs)

I should warn you that that code is fragile if your data could possibly be '-', but perhaps it can't.

genericMaybeReadLines :: Read a => String -> [[Maybe a]]
genericMaybeReadLines = map (map read') . map words. lines

Then we can have

readMaybeCharInts :: String -> [[Maybe (Char,Int)]]
readMaybeCharInts = genericMaybeReadLines

readMaybeInts :: String -> [[Maybe Int]]
readMaybeInts = genericMaybeReadLines

So now we can do

*Main> readMaybeCharInts "('a',3) ('b',4)\n- ('c',5)"
[[Just ('a',3),Just ('b',4)],[Nothing,Just ('c',5)]]
*Main> readMaybeInts "2 3 -\n4 - 2"
[[Just 2,Just 3,Nothing],[Just 4,Nothing,Just 2]]


08-20 12:08