

我尝试使用 cast 函数在每年列表 code> reshape-package 。当我尝试这一年的一切都很好。查看代码(测试数据集如下!):

I try to make a yearly country import matrix out of a yearly list using the cast function in the reshape-package. As I try this for a single year everything works fine. See code (test-dataset below!) :

OCTC2011< - cast(OC〜TC,data = Import_Year [[2011] ],value =Value)


The result is a matrix containing the import-values of the year 2011 from the origin-country (OC) (rows) to the target-country (TC) (columns).


However, as I use a large dataset consisting of different products for different years, I want to put this procedure in a loop. I tried following:

OCTC <- 0
for(i in 1:length(unique(Import_Year)))
  OCTC[i] <- cast(OC ~ TC, data =Import_Year[[i]], value = "Value")


Which delivers the warning: number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length, probably due to a wrong indexing as I'am hardly familiar with loops.


Here I produced a simple dataset for my problem:

OC <- c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C", "D", "D")
TC <- c("Z", "Z", "Y", "Y", "X", "X", "W", "W")
Value <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
Year <- c(2010,2011)
df_import <- data.frame(OC,TC,Value, Year)
Import_Year <- split(df_import, df_import$Year)


I appreciate every comment on this. Thanks


如@DavidArenburg评论,您应该使用 dcast 函数使用 value.var 参数从 reshape2 包中。

As @DavidArenburg comments you should probably use the dcast function from the reshape2 package using the value.var argument.


Apart from that the loop should be something like this in order to work:

OCTC <- list()
for(i in 1:length(unique(Import_Year)))
  OCTC[[length(OCTC)+1]] <- dcast(OC ~ TC, data =Import_Year[[i]], value.var = "Value")

$ b b

所以,你使用 list()(而不是一个值为零的变量)启动一个列表,然后添加每个dcast作为元素到该列表。

So, you initiate a list using list() (and not a variable with the value of zero) and then you add each dcast as an element to that list.


  OC  W  X  Y  Z
1  A NA NA NA  1
2  B NA NA  3 NA
3  C NA  5 NA NA
4  D  7 NA NA NA

  OC  W  X  Y  Z
1  A NA NA NA  2
2  B NA NA  4 NA
3  C NA  6 NA NA
4  D  8 NA NA NA


08-20 11:03