Found a pyhton solution here, but I need a batch file-based solution.
And folder names that contain a piece of the file name:
I'm looking for a batch solution which would read a portion of the file name at the front (before either the first dash or underscore) and then move that file into the folder where the front of the filename exists as part of the folder name.
So in the above examples, the first two files (SSP4325 and JKP7645) were moved into the first folder because it contained it contained that text as part of the folder name.
The third file would be moved into the second folder.
I have hundreds of files and 63 folders. So I'm hoping to be able to automate.
Can't use Powershell or Python due to limitations of the environment. So hoping for a batch file approach.
此解决方案仅复查一次文件夹并将它们存储在 array 中,因此此方法应运行得更快.
This solution review the folders just one time and store they in an array, so this method should run faster.
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Process the folders
set i=0
for /D %%a in (*) do (
rem Store this folder in the next array element
set /A i+=1
set "folder[!i!]=%%a"
rem Separate folder in parts and store the number of the array element in each one
for %%b in (%%a) do set "part[%%b]=!i!"
rem Process the files
for %%a in (*.xml) do (
rem Get the first part of name
for /F "delims=-_" %%b in ("%%a") do (
rem If such a folder exists...
if defined part[%%b] (
rem Get the number of the corresponding array element and move the file
for %%n in (!part[%%b]!) do ECHO move "%%a" "!folder[%%n]!"
) else (
echo No folder exists for this file: "%%a"
This method have also several advantages: you may check if a certain folder does not exists, or get the number of files moved to each folder, etc. If you are not interested in these points, just remove the if
command and make the code simpler...
An explanation of array management in Batch files is given at this answer.