


I have this issue where I would like to shuffle a list, but only do so slightly. Say, I want only a small number of elements to be moved. Is there a simple way to get this done?

现在我能想到的最好的方法是手工构建我自己的方法,但是有什么方法可以使用 random 库来为我做这件事吗?

Right now the best I can think of is building my own method be hand, but is there some way to use the random library to do this for me?



to show what some of these solutions are doing I find it helps to run a monte-carlo algorithm many times and look at the distribution

首先是@meta4 解决方案的整理版本,因为它是最充实的:

first a tidied up version of @meta4's solution as it was the most fleshed out:

from random import randrange

def partial_shuffle(l, factor=5):
    n = len(l)
    for _ in range(factor):
        a, b = randrange(n), randrange(n)
        l[b], l[a] = l[a], l[b]


which we can run many times by doing:

import numpy as np

n = 8
orig = list(range(n))
occur = np.zeros((n, n), int)

for _ in range(100000):
    x = orig[:]
    occur[orig,x] += 1


if we print out the occurrences table as percentages we get:

[[33.5  9.6  9.5  9.4  9.4  9.6  9.5  9.5]
 [ 9.6 33.2  9.7  9.5  9.6  9.6  9.4  9.4]
 [ 9.5  9.6 33.2  9.5  9.6  9.5  9.6  9.5]
 [ 9.5  9.3  9.6 33.4  9.5  9.5  9.5  9.6]
 [ 9.4  9.6  9.4  9.6 33.3  9.5  9.7  9.5]
 [ 9.6  9.5  9.6  9.6  9.4 33.3  9.5  9.6]
 [ 9.4  9.7  9.5  9.5  9.5  9.6 33.2  9.7]
 [ 9.5  9.5  9.6  9.5  9.7  9.5  9.6 33.2]]

每一行代表项目移动到列的概率.在这种情况下(当 n=8 时)算法将倾向于将元素保留在大约 33% 的时间里,然后统一选择其余部分

each row represents the probability of the item moving to the column. in this case (when n=8) the algorithm will tend to leave elements where they were ~33% of the time, and then pick the remainder uniformly

然后我可以运行(整理)版本的 pjs 代码:

I can then run (a tidied up) version of pjs's code with:

from random import gauss

orderliness = 2

occur = np.zeros((n, n), int)

for _ in range(100000):
    x = sorted(orig, key=lambda i: gauss(i * orderliness, 1))
    occur[orig,x] += 1


[[91.9  7.9  0.1  0.   0.   0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 7.9 84.1  7.8  0.1  0.   0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 0.1  7.8 84.1  7.9  0.1  0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.1  7.9 84.1  7.7  0.1  0.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.   0.1  7.7 84.2  7.8  0.1  0. ]
 [ 0.   0.   0.   0.1  7.9 84.2  7.7  0.1]
 [ 0.   0.   0.   0.   0.1  7.7 84.2  7.9]
 [ 0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.1  7.9 91.9]]


i.e. items tend to remain close to where they started

这种表格非常适合检测分布中的偏差,上面似乎没有证据.但是,例如,使用 Artyom 的解决方案 (shuffle(x, lambda: random()/5)) 给出以下内容:

this sort of table is great at detecting bias in the distribution, which there doesn't seem to be evidence of above. but, for example, with Artyom's solution (shuffle(x, lambda: random() / 5)) gives the following:

[[  0.   37.4   0.    0.    0.   16.7  23.8  22.1]
 [  0.    0.  100.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0. ]
 [  0.    0.    0.  100.    0.    0.    0.    0. ]
 [  0.    0.    0.    0.  100.    0.    0.    0. ]
 [  1.7   0.    0.    0.    0.   83.3  11.9   3. ]
 [  9.    7.4   0.    0.    0.    0.   64.2  19.4]
 [ 26.7  17.9   0.    0.    0.    0.    0.   55.5]
 [ 62.6  37.4   0.    0.    0.    0.    0.    0. ]]

这可能不是 OP 想要的.对角线的高概率表示将数组旋转一个元素

which probably isn't what the OP wanted. the high probability off diagonal represents rotating the array by one element


08-20 06:18