

我正在学习关于Looper和Handler的知识,并且大多数时候我读到它用于与UI线程通信的知识.但是后来我看到了用handleMessage(msg : Message)方法作为Handler子类的代码,然后感到困惑,因为我们可以与GUI线程进行交互而无需扩展Handler类.以kotlin android为例.

I was learning about Looper and Handler and most time I read about it that it use to Communicate with UI thread. But then I saw the code which was child class of Handler with handleMessage(msg : Message) method then I got confused, because we can interact with GUI thread without extending Handler class.As example in kotlin android.

val handler = Handler();
// update GUI here


So I can easily interact with GUI thread without implementing child class or handleMessage().


Let me explain little more about my quesiton. Sometime I see this example.

class HandlerSub : Handler(){

    override fun handleMessage(msg : Message){
        // update GUI here.
val handler = HandlerSub();
// send something..


So in the above example both code are being used for updating/interacting with GUI thread. but the 1st code is more simple easy and less code to interact with GUI.


Then what is real purpose of handleMessage() method and when we should implement it?


当您希望message.obj为某个自定义类时,将使用sendMessage(...)调用,以将其发送到可能的另一个线程进行处理.通常,通过使message.what为ID并知道该特定ID的message.obj的对象类型,然后强制转换为该对象类型,来完成此操作.这在整个Android框架中的许多地方都使用过,例如,检查 BluetoothStateMachine 以及它们在每个状态类中如何处理processMessage(Message msg).这些状态中的每个状态都由Handler委托.

The sendMessage(...) call is used when you want message.obj to be some custom class, to send it to potentially another thread for processing. This is normally done by having message.what be an ID, and knowing the object type for that particular id's message.obj, then casting to that object type. This is used in many places throughout the Android framework, for example check the BluetoothStateMachine and how they handle processMessage(Message msg) in each one of their state classes. Each one of these states is delegated to by Handler.


08-19 20:26