我想利用使用 CPAINT 一个剧本,我不断收到上述时错误我点击最喜欢的一个项目(一个5星评级系统)。
I am trying to make use of a script that uses CPAINT and I keep getting the error above when I click on favourite an item (a 5 star rating system).
这看起来是做一个AJAX请求,但我不能看到这从我的Firebug调试这个 - 为什么是这样的话
It looks like it is making an AJAX request but I can not see this from my Firebug to debug this - why is this the case?
更重要的是什么错误code 0是什么意思?
More importantly what does the error code 0 mean?
一个响应$ C $ 0距离的可能意味着你被封锁的同一产地政策。请确保您使用的是相对URL为你的AJAX请求。
A response code of 0 from XMLHttpRequest can mean that you are being blocked by the same origin policy. Make sure that you are using relative URLs for your AJAX requests.
You may also want to check out the following Stack Overflow post for one possible solution to workaround the same origin policy:
- <一个href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1980880/xmlhtt$p$pquest-status-returns-0-and-responsetext-is-blank-in-firefox-3-5">XMLHTT$p$pquest.status返回0,responseText的空白在Firefox 3.5