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<h4 class="text-accent text-accent-lines">Agile development and Lean principles guide what we do and how we do it at Coplex. The Agile development process promotes flexibility and efficiency. This combination allows teams to work together seamlessly to create the best possible product.</h4>
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<h4 style="text-align: center;">SCRUM Sprints:<br />Week-long iterations of awesomeness</h4>
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<p>At Coplex, we run week-long iterations, called SCRUM sprints on the Drupal, Magento, WordPress and Mobile platforms. During this time, our team of developers dedicates their time entirely to your project. Sprints are scheduled in advanced, in many cases for a few weeks consecutively, to allow for a quick turnaround of your development project.</p>
<p>While in sprint, there is complete project transparency. At the beginning of every sprint we have an all-team planning and check-in calls every day thereafter. We use a number of platforms to talk and work together during sprint. Our team is on HipChat, an online chat service, throughout the day, and we also use PivotalTracker to plan out the tasks that will be worked out throughout the week.</p>
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<blockquote><p>During the day (and many times after hours), there are open lines of communication between you and the development team. You can be sure you’ll get to know our team quite well by the end of your project.</p>
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<h4 style="text-align: center;">You're an active & engaged part of the process</h4>
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<p>This open and frequent communication allows our team to work closely with you to provide updates as we progress and address any issues that come up. From there, we are able to work together to find quick solutions or alternative approaches to reach your end goal. This puts you in the driver’s seat of your project. You prioritize functionality and test delivered stories so that at the end of sprint, there aren’t any surprises, and you get the end product you envisioned.</p>
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<h4 class="text-accent text-accent-stars">Working in sprints, as opposed to a fixed price or traditional time and materials model, promotes true collaboration between your team and ours. It simplifies and streamlines the development process so that we can create higher quality products, faster.</h4>
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<h4 class="h4-responsive">Drupal</h4>
<p>The Foundation for Creating Great Digital Experiences</p>
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<h4 class="h4-responsive">Magento</h4>
<p>Reinventing the Social Shopping Experience</p>
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<h4 class="h4-responsive">WordPress</h4>
<p>The Internet's Most Widely Used Content Management System</p>
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<h4 class="h4-responsive">Mobile Apps</h4>
<p>Creating Custom Experiences for Mobile Devices</p>
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