


If I have a model named "Book" and a collection named "Library" defined as below:


app.Book = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
        title: 'No title',
        author: 'Unknown'


app.Library = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: app.Book,
    url: '/api/books'

当我称之为 BookInstance.save()它是如何拿出来使用的URL?它从集合派生呢?

When I call BookInstance.save() how does it come up with the URL to use? Does it derive it from the collection?

Backbone.model 有2个选项:网​​址 urlRoot 。什么是它们之间的用途和区别?

In Backbone.model there are 2 options: url and urlRoot. What is the purpose and difference between these?

Backbone.collection ,有一个参数网​​址。这是始终RESTful API实GET请求?

In Backbone.collection, there is a single parameter url. Is this always the GET request for the RESTFUL api?



Basically, there are 3 possibilities to construct a model's url:

  • 如果集合中存在的模型对象则其网​​址方法将返回 collection.url model.id [collection.url] / [ID]

如果你不想使用集合内的模型,那么 model.urlRoot 的值可以用来代替<$ C $的C> collection.url 片段,从而产生以下模式: [urlRoot] / [ID]

If you don't want to use a model inside the collection, then model.urlRoot's value can be used instead of the collection.url fragment, resulting in the following pattern: [urlRoot]/[id].

最后,如果你不打算坚持给定类型的更多的一个模型服务器或将被定义在他们创建的每个模型的网址,就可以直接分配一个值 model.url

Finally, if you're NOT planning to persist more that one model of a given type to the server or will be defining URLs for each model upon their creation, you can directly assign a value to model.url.

集合只发送GET请求 - 让模型的JSON数据的数组。为了节省,删除和更新,个别型号的保存()(POST / PUT / PATCH)和的destroy()(DELETE)使用方法。

Collections send only GET requests — to get an array of models' JSON data. For saving, removing, and updating, the individual model's save() (POST/PUT/PATCH) and destroy() (DELETE) methods are used.


Here's the source code of Backbone.Model.url, which should help you:

url: function() {
  var base =
    _.result(this, 'urlRoot') ||
    _.result(this.collection, 'url') ||
  if (this.isNew()) return base;
  var id = this.get(this.idAttribute);
  return base.replace(/[^\/]$/, '$&/') + encodeURIComponent(id);


08-06 23:26