我最近一直在使用Visual Studio Online'Monaco'编辑我作为Azure网站托管的AngularJS应用程序.我想使用摩纳哥,因为它具有浏览器内的打字稿支持.
I've recently been using Visual Studio Online 'Monaco' to edit an AngularJS application that I have hosted as an Azure website. I want to use Monaco as it has in-browser typescript support.
据我所知,进入Visual Studio Online'Monaco'的唯一途径是通过关联的Azure网站仪表板上的隐藏良好的链接,该链接位于页面底部的右侧.
As far as I can tell the only place to get to Visual Studio Online 'Monaco' is via a well hidden link on an associated Azure Website's Dashboard, down the bottom of the page on the right hand side.
E.g. the final access url ends up being:
Is this the only place to get to Monaco?
它似乎可以很好地替代 Cloud 9 和 Nitrous .io 用于开发Typescript和.Net解决方案,但我希望使用Nitrous.io样式的方式来设置开发环境.例如登录,从github克隆,开始编码.
It appears to be a good alternative to Cloud 9 and Nitrous.io for development of Typescript and .Net solutions but I'd like a more Nitrous.io style way of setting up dev environments. e.g. log in, clone from github, start coding.
From replies over time to this question...
自2015年12月起,Visual Studio Code是一个出色的本地托管版本,类似于Atom,但具有Visual Studio氛围和跨平台:
As of Dec 2015 Visual Studio Code is an excellent locally hosted version similar to Atom but with a Visual Studio vibe, and cross platform:
自2015年7月起,Azure Web App仪表板中的一个选项已出现.
As of July 2015 an option in the Azure Web App Dashboard has appeared.
要为Web应用程序启用Visual Studio Online,请执行以下操作:
To enable Visual Studio Online for a web app:
- 转到网络应用的配置"标签
- 打开在Visual Studio在线编辑",然后单击保存"
- 快速浏览"区域下方的仪表板选项卡上将显示在Visual Studio中编辑"选项
- 单击此按钮可将您转到指向您的Web应用程序的VSO
- 注意:如果通过git等进行部署,则您的vso更改可能会被覆盖
- Go to the 'configure' tab of the web app
- Switch the 'EDIT IN VISUAL STUDIO ONLINE' on, click Save
- An 'Edit in Visual Studio' option appears on the dashboard tab under the 'quick glance' area
- Clicking on this takes you to the VSO pointing at your web app
- Note: If you deploy via git etc your vso changes may be overwritten
At this point in time, the only way you can edit code online is via the link in the Azure portal (or by using the url directly as you've done).
I presume that Monaco will show up on other Microsoft properties at some point in time, but that's just a guess.
更新:自给出此答案以来,发生了很多变化.问题中添加的摘要很好地概述了摩纳哥的用法,尽管您还应该添加到 Typescript游乐场. VSCode团队甚至希望使Monaco成为可在自己的应用程序中使用的独立工具(请参见 GH问题)
UPDATE: A lot has changed since this answer was given. The summary added to the the question provides a good overview of Monaco's usage, though you should also add to the Typescript Playground. The VSCode team is even looking to make Monaco available as a standalone tool you can use in your own apps (see GH issue)
P.S. VSCode建立在电子之上,并且作为开源,您可以查看摩纳哥编辑的代码.
P.S. VSCode is built on top of Electron and, being open source, you can look at the code of the Monaco editor today.
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