本文介绍了Java 9:使用第3方jars通过JLink生成运行时映像的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想创建一个包含第3方jar的Java 9运行时映像.我已经制作了一个简单的Java项目(将其称为Example)来调用实用程序jar(将其称为ExampleUtil.jar). Examplesrc目录中包含module-info.java,并且在Eclipse中运行良好(我已经添加了ExampleUtil.jar作为模块依赖项).如果我打电话:

I'd like to create a Java 9 runtime image that contains 3rd party jars. I have made a simple Java project (let's call this Example) to call a utility jar (let's call this ExampleUtil.jar). Example contains the module-info.java in the src directory and runs fine in Eclipse (I had added ExampleUtil.jar as a module dependency). If I call:

jlink -v
    --module-path "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.4\jmods";C:\Temp
    --add-modules com.example.steven
    --output C:\Temp\image.steven
    --launcher launch=com.example.steven/com.example.steven`


... I get the error message:


Is there a way to create a runtime image using jars that aren't modules? Thank you.


不,jlink要求所有包含的模块都是 explicit ,这意味着它们需要具有模块描述符.这是文档讲述jlink的模块路径:

No, jlink requires all included modules to be explicit, meaning they need to have a module descriptor. Here's what the documentation says about the jlink's module path:


Note the absence of "plain JARs" (i.e. JARs without descriptor).


You can upgrade existing third-party JARs to modular JARs, though (with some effort). The steps are:

  • 获取JAR及其所有依赖项
  • 为此创建一个module-info.java(手动或使用JDeps)
  • 使用--patch-module将其编译为module-info.class ,以告知编译器有关源代码
  • 使用jar --update将模块声明添加到现有的JAR
  • get the JAR and all its dependencies
  • create a module-info.java for it (either manually or with JDeps)
  • compile it to module-info.class with --patch-module to tell the compiler about the sources
  • use jar --update to add the module declaration to the existing JAR

或者,您可以使用类似 ModiTect 的工具来为您执行这些操作.

Alternatively, you can use a tool like ModiTect that does these things for you.

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08-03 19:14