I'm looking into the possibility of de-boosting a set of documents duringquery time. In my application, when I search for e.g. "preferences", I wantto de-boost content tagged with ContentGroup:"Developer" or in other words,push those content back in the order. Here's the catch. I've the followingweights on query fields and boost query on source
qf=text^6 title^15 IndexTerm^8
As you can see, title has a higher weight.
现在,一堆用 ContentGroup:"Developer" 标记的内容由一个标题,例如"Preferences.material" 或"Preferences属性" 或"Preferences.graphics" .标题的增加将这些文档推到了最佳.
Now, a bunch of content tagged with ContentGroup:"Developer" consists of atitle like "Preferences.material" or "Preferences Property" or"Preferences.graphics". The boost on title pushes these documents at thetop.
What I'm looking is to see if there's a way to deboost all documents that aretagged with ContentGroup:"Developer" irrespective of the term occurrence istext or title. I tried something like, but didn't make any difference.
Source:simplecontent^10 Source:Help^20 (-ContentGroup-local:("Developer"))^99
I'm using edismax query parser.
Any pointers will be appreciated.
You're onto something with your last attempt, but you have to start with *:*
, so that you actually have something to subtract the documents from. The resulting set of documents (those not matching your query) can then be boosted.
True negative boosts are not supported, but you can use a very "low" numeric boost value on query clauses. In general the problem that confuses people is that a "low" boost is still a boost, it can only improve the score of documents that match. For example, if you want to find all docs matching "foo" or "bar" but penalize the scores of documents matching "xxx" you might be tempted to try...
q = foo^100 bar^100 xxx^0.00001 # NOT WHAT YOU WANT
...but this will still help a document matching all three clauses score higher then a document matching only the first two. One way to fake a "negative boost" is to give a large boost to everything that does not match. For example...
q = foo^100 bar^100 (*:* -xxx)^999
注意:使用(e)dismax时,人们有时希望指定一个纯否定查询,并在"bq"参数中大幅度提高(因为Solr通过添加隐式":"-但这不适用于" bq,因为通过" bq指定的查询是如何直接添加到主查询中的.您需要明确...
NOTE: When using (e)dismax, people sometimes expect that specifying a pure negative query with a large boost in the "bq" param will work (since Solr automatically makes top level purely negative positive queries by adding an implicit ":" -- but this doesn't work with "bq", because of how queries specified via "bq" are added directly to the main query. You need to be explicit...
?defType=dismax&q=foo bar&bq=(*:* -xxx)^999