本文介绍了Perl 5.10+中词汇$ _的好,坏和丑陋的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


从Perl 5.10开始,现在可以对上下文变量$_进行词汇范围化,可以显式地定义为my $_;或在given / when构造中.

Starting in Perl 5.10, it is now possible to lexically scope the context variable $_, either explicitly as my $_; or in a given / when construct.


Has anyone found good uses of the lexical $_? Does it make any constructs simpler / safer / faster?

那使情况变得更加复杂的情况又如何呢?词法$_是否在您的代码中引入了任何错误? (由于写入$_的控制结构将在其作用域内使用词法版本,因此如果它包含任何子例程调用(由于失去动态作用域,则可以更改代码的行为))

What about situations that it makes more complicated? Has the lexical $_ introduced any bugs into your code? (since control structures that write to $_ will use the lexical version if it is in scope, this can change the behavior of the code if it contains any subroutine calls (due to loss of dynamic scope))


In the end, I'd like to construct a list that clarifies when to use $_ as a lexical, as a global, or when it doesn't matter at all.


NB: as of perl5-5.24 these experimental features are no longer part of perl.



IMO, one great thing to come out of lexical $_ is the new _ prototype symbol.


This allows you to specify a subroutine so that it will take one scalar or if none is provided it will grab $_.


sub foo {
    my $arg = @_ ? shift : $_;

    # Do stuff with $_


sub foo(_) {
    my $arg = shift;

    # Do stuff with $_ or first arg.


Not a big change, but it's just that much simpler when I want that behavior. Boilerplate removal is a good thing.


Of course, this has the knock on effect of changing the prototypes of several builtins (eg chr), which may break some code.


Overall, I welcome lexical $_. It gives me a tool I can use to limit accidental data munging and bizarre interactions between functions. If I decide to use $_ in the body of a function, by lexicalizing it, I can be sure that whatever code I call, $_ won't be modified in calling code.

动态范围很有趣,但是在大多数情况下,我都希望进行词法作用域.加上$_的复杂性.我听过关于仅做local $_;的不明智建议的可怕警告-最好改用for ( $foo ) { }.当我以任何方式对$_进行本地化时,词汇化的$_给我想要的结果是100的99倍.词法$_使强大的便利性和可读性变得更加强大.

Dynamic scope is interesting, but for the most part I want lexical scoping. Add to this the complications around $_. I've heard dire warnings about the inadvisability of simply doing local $_;--that it is best to use for ( $foo ) { } instead. Lexicalized $_ gives me what I want 99 times out of 100 when I have localized $_ by whatever means. Lexical $_ makes a great convenience and readability feature more robust.

我的大部分工作必须使用perl 5.8,所以我没有在大型项目中使用词法$_的乐趣.但是,感觉这将大大提高使用$_的安全性,这是一件好事.

The bulk of my work has had to work with perl 5.8, so I haven't had the joy of playing with lexical $_ in larger projects. However, it feels like this will go a long way to make the use of $_ safer, which is a good thing.

这篇关于Perl 5.10+中词汇$ _的好,坏和丑陋的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 01:49