I have a project that renders product information onto a given template (custom XML format), then renders and converts it in a custom binary LCD format (steps simplified)
我们的客户现在需要自动调整文字容器. (客户提供了一个特定大小的框,并且各种字符串必须自动调整大小以适合该容器
Our customers now want auto-fitting text container. (customer gives a box of specific size and all kinds of strings have to get auto-resized to fit into that container
为此,我必须计算多种字体大小(例如100pt不适合,99pt不适合,98pt不适合...,...,65pt适合)的字符串宽度(自由类型:每个字符/字形)! )
For that I have to calculate the width of the string (freetype: each char/glyph) for multiple font-sizes (e.g. 100pt doesnt fit, 99pt doesnt fit, 98pt doesnt..., ..., 65pt fits!)
问题在于,每个自动适配元素的freetype需要花费大量时间(〜20-30 ms),而整个应用程序只能使用〜100ms的时间. (因此,当客户再添加5个自动调整元素时,已经保证超过100毫秒)
The Problem is that freetype takes a lot of time (~20-30 ms) for each auto-fit element and I have only ~100ms for my whole application to use. (so when customer adds 5 more autofit elements it's already guaranteed to exceed ~100 ms)
A selfmade font-cache-generator which takes a font-file and calculates the widths of each unicode-character for font-sizes from 1pt to 100pt. Then it generates C source code out of the data like this:
#define COUNT_SIZES 100 // Font-Size 1-100
#define COUNT_CHARS 65536 // Full Unicode Table
int char_sizes[COUNT_SIZES][COUNT_CHARS] =
{1,1,2,2,3,1,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,.......// 65536
{2,2,3,3,4,2,1,3,3,4,2,3,3,2,3,3,4,2,3,.......// 65536
{2,3,4,3,5,2,2,4,4,5,2,4,4,2,4,3,5,3,3,.......// 65536
// ...
// 100 font sizes
在动态库(.so)中编译的文件大小为25 MB,"dlload"大约需要50ms,"dlsym"大约需要10ms(WAAAAAAY太多!)
That compiled in a dynamic lib (.so) is 25 MB in size and takes ~50ms to "dlload" and ~10ms to "dlsym" (WAAAAAAY too much!)
以同样的方式,但是只有ASCII表(因此65536中只有128个)可以编译成58 KB的.so文件,"dlload"大约需要500µs,"dlsym"大约需要100µs(非常好!)
The same way but only ASCII table (so only 128 of 65536) compiles into a 58 KB .so file and takes ~500µs for "dlload" and ~100µs for "dlsym" (very nice!)
我的下一个尝试是将font-cache-generator集成到我的项目中,并且仅缓存特定客户所需的字形(欧洲的客户需要约500个字形,亚洲的一个(例如繁体中文)则需要2500个字形) (仅是示例,不确定,甚至可能还需要)
My next attempt would be to integrate the font-cache-generator into my project and cache only the glyphs I need for the specific customer (customer in europe needs ~500 glyphs, one in asia (e.g. traditional chinese) needs ~2500 (only examples, not exactly sure, maybe even more needed)
But before I take on that hard-work journey (:() I wanted to ask you if you know a better way of doing it? A library/project that does just that?
我不敢相信这是不可能的,否则浏览器如何显示lorem ipsum而不加载秒数? :D
I cannot believe that it's not possible, how should a browser show lorem ipsum without loading seconds otherwise? :D
Any idea on how to solve this performance issue?
关于数据缓存的任何信息性链接都可以极快地访问缓存(大约< 1ms)?
Any informative link on data caching with extremly fast access to cache (somewhat <1ms)?
- Unix (Ubuntu 16.04) 64位
- x86 AND arm 体系结构存在!
- Unix (Ubuntu 16.04) 64bit
- x86 AND arm architectures exist!
I found one possible way using these libraries:
- ICU (用于unicode)
- 自由类型(用于字形)
- Harfbuzz (用于布局)
- ICU (for unicode)
- Freetype (for the Glyphs)
- Harfbuzz (for layout)
Github项目: Harfbuzz-ICU-Freetype
Github Project:Harfbuzz-ICU-Freetype
- CMakeLists.txt
中的搜索选项 - 使用
选项:cmake -DWITH_ZLIB=ON -DWITH_Harfbuzz=ON ..
mkdir build && cd build && cmake [option [option [...]]] ..
make -j $count_of_cpu_cores && sudo make install
- Search options in CMakeLists.txt
- Enable
options with-D
:cmake -DWITH_ZLIB=ON -DWITH_Harfbuzz=ON ..
mkdir build && cd build && cmake [option [option [...]]] ..
make -j $count_of_cpu_cores && sudo make install
Google上的一些 Harfbuzz布局教程/指南
Google for some Harfbuzz Layout tutorials / guides