我有1个文本框和11个按钮(编号1-9,0和00)。屏幕上的默认数字是0.00,所以当我点击按钮1时,它将更新为0.01,继续点击数字7,它将变为0.17等等..当我们键入我们想要的数量时,它就像ATM机一样工作..我需要关键字来搜索这个。Hi all,I'm creating an interface for bill payment. I don't know what is the keyword for my problem here. So I can't search on google. So if someone understand my problem, please help me on how to find my problem on internet.My problem:-I got 1 page with 1 textbox and 11 button (number 1-9,0 and 00). Default number on screen is 0.00 so when I click on button "1" it will update to 0.01, continue with click number 7 and it will become 0.17 and so on..it works like ATM machines when we keyin the amount we want to have.. I need the keyword to search for this.推荐答案 我认为你需要自定义 MaskedTextBox 。我不是Winform或WPF的人。对于关键字,请使用数字文本框从右到左或从右到左蒙面文本框等,I think you need to customize the MaskedTextBox. I'm not Winform or WPF guy. For keywords, use "Numeric textbox Type Right To Left" or "Masked textbox Right to Left", etc., 这篇关于将金额0.00更新为文本框中的数字的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!