部署到 vercel 后在我的一个页面上出现此错误,在开发模式下一切正常.
Getting this error on one of my pages after deploying to vercel, it all works fine in dev mode.
我认为问题可能是我的 fetch/API 之一,因为它使用来自第一个 fetch 请求的数据作为第二个 fetch 请求的 URL...
I think the problem might be one of my fetch/APIs since it uses the data from the first fetch request as the URL for the second fetch request...
我所有其他具有不同 API/获取请求的页面都可以正常工作...
All of my other pages with different APIs / fetch requests work fine...
export const fetchData = async (page) => {
try {
const req = await fetch(
"https://www.productpage.com/new/" +
const html = await req.text();
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
let newProducts = [];
for (let i = 1; i < 25; i++) {
let name = $(`#product_listing > tbody > #_${i} > td:nth-child(2) > a`)
/g, "");
let pageSrc = $(
`#product_listing > tbody > #_${i} > td:nth-child(2) > a`
const price = $(`#product_listing > tbody >#_${i} > td.price.notranslate`)
/g, "");
pageSrc = "https://www.productpage.com" + pageSrc;
const req2 = await fetch(pageSrc); // here it is using data from first fetch for a 2nd request..
const html2 = await req2.text();
const $2 = cheerio.load(html2);
const imageSrc = $2(
"#product-main-image .main-image-inner:first-child img"
const name2 = $2("#product-details dd:nth-child(2)")
/g, "");
const brand = $2("#product-details dd:nth-child(4)")
/g, "");
name: name,
name2: name2,
brand: brand,
pageSrc: pageSrc,
price: price,
imageSrc: imageSrc,
return newProducts;
} catch (err) {}
module.exports = {
此错误表明 API 响应时间响应时间过长.
This error suggests that the API response is taking too long to respond.
当使用带有 Hobby
计划的 Vercel 时,您的无服务器 API 路由只能处理 5 秒.这意味着 5 秒后,路由会以 504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
When using Vercel with a Hobby
plan, your serverless API routes can only be processed for 5 seconds. This means that after 5 seconds, the route responds with a 504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT
使用 next dev
These same limits do not apply when running locally with next dev
要解决此问题,您需要减少 API 路由响应所需的时间,或升级您的 Vercel 计划.
To resolve this, you would need to reduce the amount of time your API route takes to respond, or upgrade your Vercel plan.
这篇关于NextJS/vercel - 504 错误'FUNCTION_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT'的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!