本文介绍了将文件上载到OneDrive。 401错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 BITS 协议将大文件上传到 OneDrive 。这是

I'm implementing uploading big files to OneDrive by using BITS protocol. Here is the documentation


I'm having the following issue. After a certain period of time of being logged in when I'm trying to create a session I'm receiving 401 error. Here's the complete response:

<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x7d6ee0f0> { URL: https://cid-da1cedf5484811a9.users.storage.live.com/items/DA1CEDF5484811A9!373/IMG_0003.JPG } { status code: 401, headers {
"BITS-Packet-Type" = Ack;
"Content-Length" = 0;
Date = "Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:50:22 GMT";
Server = "Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0";
"X-AsmVersion" = "UNKNOWN;";
"X-ClientErrorCode" = AccessDenied;
"X-MSNSERVER" = "SN3301____PAP101";
"X-QosStats" = "{\"ApiId\":0,\"ResultType\":2,\"SourcePropertyId\":0,\"TargetPropertyId\":42}";
"X-ThrowSite" = "4e1b.c093";
} }


Authorization = "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";
"BITS-Packet-Type" = "Create-Session";
"BITS-Supported-Protocols" = "{7df0354d-249b-430f-820d-3d2a9bef4931}";
"X-Http-Method-Override" = "BITS_POST";


I can post code used to open session if you need, I don't post it now because it's pretty large.


OK, the first thing that comes to my mind is that access token has got outdated and I need to renew it somehow. BUT! Just before I perform request to retrieve user Id using the same access token:

- (void)retrieveUserId
NSString                  *urlString            = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://apis.live.net/v5.0/me?access_token=%@", commonAccessToken];
NSURL                     *url                  = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString];
NSURLSessionConfiguration *sessionConfiguration = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
NSURLSession              *session              = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:sessionConfiguration];
NSURLSessionDataTask      *task                 = [session dataTaskWithURL:url
                                                         completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error){

                                                             NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse = (NSHTTPURLResponse *)response;

                                                             if (httpResponse.statusCode == 200)
                                                                 NSLog(@"Response retrieving user id %@", httpResponse);

                                                                 NSError      *parsingError     = nil;
                                                                 NSDictionary *parsedDictionary = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data
                                                                 if (!parsingError)
                                                                     commonUserId = parsedDictionary[@"id"];
                                                                     [self createUploadRequest];
                                                                     dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{

                                                                         [self.delegate bitsClient:self didFailWithError:parsingError];

                                                                 dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{

                                                                     [self.delegate bitsClient:self didFailWithError:error];

[task resume];

它有效。当我获得用户ID时,此访问令牌是正常的。但是你可以看到,与尝试打开会话时不同,访问令牌是作为url的一部分而不是作为头字段之一。我不确定它是否重要。到现在为止我无法解释这种行为。如果我退出并再次登录,那么它再次正常,我不再收到401错误,所以我真的应该更新令牌,但是怎么办呢?还有一件事让你知道 - 当我从 LiveConnectSession 获得访问令牌时,我会检查这个会话是否过期而不是。其到期属性晚于 [NSDate date]

And it works. This access token is OK when I get the user Id. But you can see that here unlike when trying to open a session the access token is put as a part of url, not as one of header fields. I'm not sure if it matters or not. By now I can't explain such a behaviour. If I logout and login again then it's OK again, I don't receive the 401 error anymore, so probably I really should renew the token, but how can it be done? One more thing for you to know - when I get the access token from LiveConnectSession I check if this session is expired and it's not. Its expires property is later than [NSDate date].

还有一件事让你知道 - 尽管我无法打开会话,如果我尝试使用上传文件,我的请求被401错误拒绝 Live SDK LiveOperation 文件上传时没有任何错误。

Also one more thing for you to know - despite I'm not able to open session and my request is being rejected with 401 error if I try to upload files by using Live SDK's LiveOperation the files are uploaded without any error.

我想恢复:经过一段时间(似乎是24小时但我不确定)以 OneDrive身份登录用户我无法使用 BITS 协议上传文件,因为我收到401错误。同时会话似乎没有过期,我仍然可以使用 LiveOperation 上传文件。此外,我可以使用打开上传会话时使用的相同访问令牌轻松获取用户ID。如果我退出并再次登录,那么一切都像魅力一样,我可以创建会话和上传文件。

I want to resume: After a certain period (seems like it is 24 hours but I'm not sure) of being logged in as OneDrive user I become unable to upload files using BITS protocol because I receive 401 error. At the same time the session seems to be not expired and I can still upload files by using LiveOperation. Also I can easily get user id using the same access token which is used when opening an upload session. If I logout and login again then again everything works like charm and I'm able to create session and upload files.


Seems like this is all that I can tell you, but if you need any additional info please tell me. Any help is extremely appreciated.



Andrey, i am php developer and here is what i am doing in php:

const API_URL = 'https://apis.live.net/v5.0/';
const INITAPIURL = 'https://login.live.com/oauth20_token.srf';
const URI_AUTHORIZE = 'https://login.live.com/oauth20_authorize.srf';


1) getting access token and saving refresh token (function below generate URL to redirect user for oAuth)

public function getAuthorizeUrl($cburl) {
        return self::URI_AUTHORIZE.'?client_id='.urlencode(_SKYDRIVE_API_CLIENT_ID).'&scope='.urlencode('wl.offline_access wl.skydrive wl.skydrive_update wl.emails wl.contacts_skydrive wl.contacts_photos').'&response_type=code&redirect_uri='.urlencode($cburl);


2) after every 3300 seconds (access token live for 3600 sec) i refresh access token with refresh token directly on server (without user confirmation in browser)

$r = $this->http(self::INITAPIURL, 'POST', array("grant_type" => "refresh_token", "client_id" => _SKYDRIVE_API_CLIENT_ID, "client_secret" => _SKYDRIVE_API_SECRET, "redirect_uri" => _SKYDRIVE_REDIRECT_URI, "refresh_token" => $this->refreshtoken));


3) i am sending access token as header with curl for all my requests to API (except token refresh above)

$headers[] = "Authorization: Bearer " . $this->token;


and above steps are working when i use BITS (i just implemented BITS protocol use on perl and everything is working)


P.S. Thank you that you posted URL of folder by ID they had wrong URL in documentation :)

这篇关于将文件上载到OneDrive。 401错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 19:54