Does anyone work for companies that actually implement both VB and C#? Iknow that you can do this in theory, I just find it hard to imagine that acompany would split its programming technologies like that.Of course now with the CLR there doesn''t seem to be any performance benefitto using C# over VB, and VB I think is an "easier" language to pick up. Iactually wonder if the salaries between and c# will balance out alittle now since the language doesn''t mean as much anymore.I personally am a VB developer moved into asp .net / vb .net. I''ve beenconsidering going ahead and learning C# as well. I have only academicexperience with C++, but it is enough that I can read c# examples andconvert them to vb so I don''t think this is a big deal for me to pick up thenew language. Just more wondering if I should even bother. 解决方案--Using M2, Opera''s revolutionary e-mail client: -- Using M2, Opera''s revolutionary e-mail client: 这篇关于VB .NET vs C#的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!