


I'm trying to get the size of the Windows' desktop (the whole thing, not just a single screen) from inside a service that I've written.


In WinForms -- the standard C# method of:


似乎可以正常工作(如果您导入Winforms DLL,我想避免)-但是它返回了错误的值.桌面大小为 2048x768 (2个屏幕),但是该服务报告 1024x768 (大概只在其中一个屏幕上显示).

seems to work (if you import the Winforms DLL, which I want to avoid) -- but it returns the wrong value. The desktop size is 2048x768 (2 screens), but the service reports 1024x768 (presumably it only picks up on one of the screens.)


Checking the option for the service to interact with the desktop has no effect.


发布在 C#上的解决方案:无法获得完整的桌面尺寸?不起作用服务内部.他们都报告了错误的值.

The solutions posted at C#: Get complete desktop size? don't work inside of a service. They all report the wrong value.

有趣的是,报告的值似乎有所不同,并且与实际的桌面大小无关(某些计算机报告 800x600 ,即使该计算机上的单个显示器分辨率更高).)

Interestingly, it seems like the value that is reported varies and is of no relation to the actual desktop size (some machines report 800x600 even though a single display on that machine is a much higher resolution.)


So -- any more ideas? Dropping into the registry and/or to the command line is OK. The only restriction is that I can't launch a winforms app to figure it out.



You cannot do this inside the service. Services run in session 0, where no GDI functions work. Once the process is created, you cannot change sessions, and cannot use UI in different session.

为您提供的一种可能的解决方案是在用户会话中启动一个新进程.您可以开始查看此 SO问题.此方法的其他先决条件是您的服务必须作为本地系统运行,以便可以启用SE_TCB_NAME特权(通过调用AdjustTokenPrivilegies).因为您说的是您已经挂接到用户登录通知,所以您应该能够提取您感兴趣的会话的会话ID.

One of the possible solutions for you is to launch a new process in user session. You can start looking at this SO question. The other pre-requisites for this method is that your service has to be running as Local System, so that you can enable SE_TCB_NAME privilege (by calling AdjustTokenPrivilegies). Since you are saying you already hooked up to the user logon notification, you should be able to extract session ID of the session that you are interested in.


Once you have a process lauched in user session, you have to pass the result from the new process back to your service process. For that any kind of IPC mechanism could be used.


09-05 14:30