使用 Google 的官方表格申请配额延期;请注意,根据本论坛用户的经验,Google 通常不会很快给出答复.I got this error:The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your quota.and I can not understand YouTube limits the number of requests? That is, I cannot create my project by taking API from my channel? If this is so, what is the point of YouTube Data API, if at the development stage I was already limited, what will happen when users come in, then my project will fall within 5 minutes?and I cannot understand how I was able to make 10,000 requests per day, given that I worked on the localhost for about 3 hours, is this possible? 解决方案 Indeed the Google's Developers Console shows text like Queries per day, but that's very much misleading (and may well be reported as an Web UI bug to Google).You have to acknowledge that YouTube Data API's quota system is not accounting for the number of endpoints calls you made during a day long, but it accounts for the cumulated number of quota units corresponding to each of your endpoint calls.For example, if you have 10000 units of quota allocated for daily usage, you may very easily exceed this upper bound after only 100 calls to the Search.list API endpoint.Many API users find the default amount of quota allocated -- 10000 units -- to be quite constraining -- that even during the development stage of their apps. For tackling this issue, I recommend two things:Develop your app such that to cache API responses it received from the endpoints it calls; this way, during the development stage of your app (afterwards, even during production, but albeit functioning with a different logic), repeated calls to endpoints would not result in actual API requests, but would get served from the app's local cache.Apply for a quota extension, using Google's official form; be aware that, as per the experience of users of this forum, Google's answer, usually, does not arrive shortly. 这篇关于YouTube 数据 API:无法完成请求,因为您已超出配额.我是否使用 YouTube 数据 API 制作应用程序?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!