< form name =login-registrationonSubmit =return validateForm()method =postaction => ;
< label>电子邮件< / label>
< input type =emailname =emailinputid =emailinputvalue =/>
< p id =emptyEmailclass =hidden>需要电子邮件字段< / p>
< label>您的密码< / label>
< input type =passwordname =pswinputid =pswinputvalue =/>
< p id =pswMinMaxclass =hidden>密码应该是从4到8个字符< / p>
< p id =pswLettNumclass =hidden>密码应该是字母和数字mbers。不允许使用特殊字符< / p>
< label>重复密码< / label>
< input type =passwordname =pswrepeatinputid =pswrepeatinputvalue =onblur =isValidPswRep()/>
< p id =pswRclass =hidden>您的密码不同< / p>
< input type =checkboxid =policyname =policyvalue =policy/> < label>我同意< / label>
< p id =checkNclass =hidden>您必须同意我们的< / p>
< input type =submitname =submitvalue =Login/>
< / form>
< input type =emailname =emailinputid =emailinputvalue =<?php echo htmlspecialchars($ _ GET ['lastname']);?> ; />
1)如果我没有错,在上面的代码中我没有看到任何带有name =lastname的字段。
$ b 2)使用$ _POST,因为您使用method =post发布表单数据。
I know there are lots others question like this and i found 1.000 answer on the web but none of those work with my code :(So can someone help me with how to keep email value after submit?
<form name="login-registration" onSubmit="return validateForm()" method="post" action="" >
<input type="email" name="emailinput" id="emailinput" value ="" />
<p id="emptyEmail" class="hidden">Email field is required</p>
<p id="invalidEmail" class="hidden">Email you insert is invalid!</p>
<label>Your password</label>
<input type="password" name="pswinput" id="pswinput" value=""/>
<p id="pswMinMax" class="hidden">Password should be from 4 to 8 caracters</p>
<p id="pswLettNum" class="hidden">Password should be letters and numbers. No special caracters are allow</p>
<label>Repeat password</label>
<input type="password" name="pswrepeatinput" id="pswrepeatinput" value="" onblur="isValidPswRep()"/>
<p id="pswR" class="hidden">Your passwords is different</p>
<input type="checkbox" id="policy" name="policy" value="policy" /> <label>I agree</label>
<p id="checkN" class="hidden">You must agree to our term</p>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login" />
I try to put some code like:
<input type="email" name="emailinput" id="emailinput" value = "<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_GET['lastname']); ?>" />
But that php line is just displayed inside the field input.
1)If i am not wrong,i don't see any field with name="lastname" in your code above.
2)Use $_POST because you are posting your form data with method="post".