


I built a script that works great with small data sets (<1 M rows) and performs very poorly with large datasets. I've heard of data table as being more performant than tibbles. I'm interested to know about other speed optimizations in addition to learn about data tables.


I'll share a couple of commands in the script for examples. In each of the examples, the datasets are 10 to 15 million rows and 10 to 15 columns.

  1. 获取由9个变量分组的数据框的最低日期

      dataframe %>%
      group_by(key_a, key_b, key_c,
               key_d, key_e, key_f,
               key_g, key_h, key_i) %>%
      summarize(min_date = min(date)) %>%

  1. 在两个数据框上进行左联接以添加额外的列

          by = c("key_a", "key_b", "key_c",
               "key_d", "key_e", "key_f",
               "key_g", "key_h", "key_i"),
          all.x = T) %>%

  1. 加入在两个数据框

  1. Joining two dataframes on the closest date

      dataframe %>%
                  by = "key_a") %>%
      group_by(key_a, date.x) %>%
      summarise(key_z = key_z[which.min(abs(date.x - date.y))]) %>%
      arrange(date.x) %>%
      rename(day = date.x)


What best practices can I apply and, in particular, what can I do to make these types of functions optimized for large datasets?



conflict_prefer("days", "lubridate")
bigint <- rep(
  sample(1238794320934:19082323109, 1*10^7)

key_a <-
  rep(c("green", "blue", "orange"), 1*10^7/2)

key_b <-
  rep(c("yellow", "purple", "red"), 1*10^7/2)

key_c <-
  rep(c("hazel", "pink", "lilac"), 1*10^7/2)

key_d <-
  rep(c("A", "B", "C"), 1*10^7/2)

key_e <-
  rep(c("D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I"), 1*10^7/5)

key_f <-
  rep(c("Z", "M", "Q", "T", "X", "B"), 1*10^7/5)

key_g <-
  rep(c("Z", "M", "Q", "T", "X", "B"), 1*10^7/5)

key_h <-
  rep(c("tree", "plant", "animal", "forest"), 1*10^7/3)

key_i <-
  rep(c("up", "up", "left", "left", "right", "right"), 1*10^7/5)

sequence <-
  seq(ymd("2010-01-01"), ymd("2020-01-01"), by = "1 day")

date_sequence <-
  rep(sequence, 1*10^7/(length(sequence) - 1))

dataframe <-
    date = date_sequence[1:(1*10^7)],
    key_a = key_a[1:(1*10^7)],
    key_b = key_b[1:(1*10^7)],
    key_c = key_c[1:(1*10^7)],
    key_d = key_d[1:(1*10^7)],
    key_e = key_e[1:(1*10^7)],
    key_f = key_f[1:(1*10^7)],
    key_g = key_g[1:(1*10^7)],
    key_h = key_h[1:(1*10^7)],
    key_i = key_i[1:(1*10^7)]

dataframe_two <-
  dataframe %>%
      mutate(date_sequence = ymd(date_sequence) + days(1))

sequence_sixdays <-
  seq(ymd("2010-01-01"), ymd("2020-01-01"), by = "6 days")

date_sequence <-
  rep(sequence_sixdays, 3*10^6/(length(sequence_sixdays) - 1))

key_z <-
  sample(1:10000000, 3*10^6)

dataframe_three <-
    key_a = sample(key_a, 3*10^6),
    date = date_sequence[1:(3*10^6)],
    key_z = key_z[1:(3*10^6)]


使用 data.table

d1 = as.data.table(dataframe)
d2 = as.data.table(dataframe_two)



请参见第二个图底部的barchart,以与dplyr spark和其他类似的分组进行比较

by_cols = paste("key", c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i"), sep="_")
a1 = d1[, .(min_date = min(date_sequence)), by=by_cols]

请注意,我将 date 更改为 date_sequence ,我想您的意思是作为列名

note I changed date to date_sequence, I think you meant that as a column name



it is unclear on what fields you want to merge tables, dataframe_two does not have specified fields so the query is invalid
please clarify


data.table has very useful type of join called rolling join, which does exactly what you need

a3 = d2[d1, on=c("key_a","date_sequence"), roll="nearest"]
# Error in vecseq(f__, len__, if (allow.cartesian || notjoin || #!anyDuplicated(f__,  :
#  Join results in more than 2^31 rows (internal vecseq reached #physical limit). Very likely misspecified join. Check for #duplicate key values in i each of which join to the same group in #x over and over again. If that's ok, try by=.EACHI to run j for #each group to avoid the large allocation. Otherwise, please search #for this error message in the FAQ, Wiki, Stack Overflow and #data.table issue tracker for advice.

如果您遇到相同的错误在您的真实数据上,您可能希望查看该查询的设计,因为它试图通过进行多对多联接来使行爆炸。即使在仅考虑单个 date_sequence 身份之后(服用 roll 帐户)。我认为这种问题不适用于该数据(严格来说是联接字段的基准)。您可能需要在工作流中引入数据质量检查层,以确保在 key_a date_sequence 上没有重复项。

It results an error. Error is in fact very useful. On your real data it may work perfectly fine, as the reason behind the error (cardinality of matching rows) may be related to process of generating sample data. It is very tricky to have good dummy data for joining.If you are getting the same error on your real data you may want to review design of that query as it attempts to make row explosion by doing many-to-many join. Even after already considering only single date_sequence identity (taking roll into account). I don't see this kind of question to be valid for that data (cadrinalities of join fields strictly speaking). You may want to introduce data quality checks layer in your workflow to ensure there are no duplicates on key_a and date_sequence combined.


09-03 05:11