My application load images from server via HTTP and save it into files. Then I use this code to get Drawable and view it:
File f=new File(path);
if(f.exists()) {
Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(f.getAbsolutePath());
if(bmp!=null) {
DisplayMetrics dm = m_activity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
Drawable drawable=new BitmapDrawable(context.getResources(), bmp);
drawable.setBounds(0, 0, drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), drawable.getIntrinsicHeight());
return drawable;
这对三星Galaxy S2工作的罚款。但在三星Galaxy S4此图像太小。例如:
It working fine on Samsung Galaxy S2. But on Samsung Galaxy S4 this images too small. For example:
I need to display it equally on all devices with various display's resolution. Is it possible? How to implement this?
I think I can help you. I had this same kind of problem myself. What you need to do is find how much larger this new screen is than your old one, by first getting the dimensions of your device and putting them in for widthOfStandardDevice and heightOfStandardDevice.Once you know how much larger the new screen is then your old one, you would make two multipliers to multiply everything by. You can now say set the size of the bitmap to bitmap_width and bitmap_height.
DisplayMetrics displaymetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
height = displaymetrics.heightPixels;
width = displaymetrics.widthPixels;
float widthMultiplier = width/widthOfStandardDevice;
float heightMultiplier = height/heightOfStandardDevice;
int bitmap_width = (int)(600 * widthMultiplier);
int bitmap_height = (int)(800 * heightMultiplier);