


Many tutorials, such as this one go over how to add multiple child view controllers via the Storyboard. But this tutorial just adds multiple container views in the Storyboard.


Why is the first tutorial (and many others) going through such hoops to create multiple child view controllers if they could just use multiple view containers? Is this a new feature, or am I just misunderstanding what's going on?


正如另一张海报所说,容器视图和嵌入在iOS 6中添加了segues。在iOS 5中添加子视图控制器的工作量更大,因为这些选项不可用。

As the other poster said, container views and embed segues were added in iOS 6. In iOS 5 adding child view controllers was more work since these options were not available.


Container views and embed segues only work with storyboards. Some developers don't like and don't use storyboards. In that case you would have to set up your child view controllers yourself.


I think container views and embed segues are wonderful, and make setting things up much easier. By all means use them. They do most/all of the housekeeping for you.


10-24 23:45