我想将文件下载Android NDK,然后解压到某个目录。如何重命名NDK的目录?我是否需要重命名的目录?
I am trying to download the Android NDK and then extract the files to a certain directory. How can I rename the NDK directory? Do I need to rename the directory?
How can I check and rename the directory?
Also, can I use the NDK in Eclipse? If so, how?
In Linux, I have my directory named android-ndk under my home directory. I think it does not matter what the directory name is.
If its not already set, you need to set the environment variable as:
出口ANDROID_NDK_ROOT = /家庭/用户/ Android的NDK
export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/home/user/android-ndk
我已经粘贴下面的的Android NDK页面:
Uncom preSS NDK的下载包。当uncom pressed,NDK的文件都包含在一个名为Android的NDK版本目录。如果有必要,可以重命名NDK目录你可以将它移动到你的电脑上的任何位置。
"Uncompress the NDK download package using tools available on your computer. When uncompressed, the NDK files are contained in a directory called android-ndk-version. You can rename the NDK directory if necessary and you can move it to any location on your computer."
您可以使用下面的命令从那里你有uncom pressed的地方经常检查目录的名称
You can always check the name of dir using following command from the place where you have uncompressed:
ls -al android-ndk*
例如。如果目前的Android NDK的安装目录名称是:Android的NDK-R4B-Linux的x86和你需要将其更改为Android的NDK,然后使用下面的命令:
E.g. If current android ndk installation directory name is: android-ndk-r4b-linux-x86 and you need to change it to android-ndk , then use following command:
mv android-ndk-r4b-linux-x86 android-ndk