

我正在尝试将当前的.Net Core应用程序从1.1升级到2.0,并收到此运行时错误:无法合并类型为'CoreContext'的DbContext,因为它没有单个公共构造函数来接受单个参数键入DbContextOptions".

I am trying to upgrade our current .Net Core application from 1.1 to 2.0 and am getting this runtime error: "The DbContext of type 'CoreContext' cannot be pooled because it does not have a single public constructor accepting a single parameter of type DbContextOptions".


It is caused by using the new IServiceCollection.AddDbContextPool<> function. When I use IServiceCollection.AddDbContext<> it still works.


This application is DB-First, so I generate all our contexts using 'Scaffold-DbContext'. Due to that, and the need to inject other services I have an extension on every context like this:

public partial class CoreContext
    public CoreContext(
        DbContextOptions<CoreContext> options,
        IUserService userService,
        IAuditRepository auditRepository
        ) : base(options) {...}


Whenever I run the Scaffold-DbContext I just remove the autogenerated Constructor from CoreContext, but even if I put it in there I still get this error.

public partial class CoreContext : DbContext
    public CoreContext(DbContextOptions<CoreContext> options) : base(options) {}


I've already updated Program.cs to the new style:

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)

    public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>


And the Startup.cs is pretty straightforward:

public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddDbContextPool<CoreContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(absConnectionString));


I am using Autofac for DI if that helps. For now I'll default back to the non-Pooling alternative, but it would be nice to take advantage of this feature.


使用DbContext Pooling时,将保留派生DbContext类中您自己的状态(例如私有字段).这意味着您的服务寿命现在为singleton.这就是为什么您不应该在这里拥有其他注入服务的原因.但是可以通过这种方式查询所需的服务:首先,我们应该在DbContextOptionsBuilder上使用UseInternalServiceProvider方法来告诉EF哪个服务提供者使用其服务.该服务提供者必须具有为EF和任何提供者配置的所有服务.因此,我们应该手动注册EF服务:

When using DbContext Pooling, your own state (e.g. private fields) in your derived DbContext class will be preserved. Which means the lifetime of your services is now singleton. That's why you shouldn't have other injected services here. But it's possible to query the required services this way:First we should use the UseInternalServiceProvider method on DbContextOptionsBuilder to tell EF which service provider to use for its services. This service provider must have all the services configured for EF and any providers. So we should register EF Services manually:


然后介绍应用程序的服务提供商,该服务提供商现在也包括EF Services:

And then introduce the application's services provider which now includes the EF Services too:

services.AddDbContextPool<ApplicationDbContext>((serviceProvider, optionsBuilder) =>


After that define these namespaces:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;


And now you can access the registered services in the application within the ApplicationDbContext class using the following methods

var siteSettings = this.GetService<IOptionsSnapshot<SiteSettings>>();

var siteSettings = this.GetInfrastructure().GetRequiredService<IOptionsSnapshot<SiteSettings>>();


this is the current instance of the DbContext.


10-24 12:45