我想编写一个 SQL Server 查询来从以下示例表中检索数据:
I want to write an SQL Server query that will retrieve data from the following example tables:
Table: Person
ID Name
-- ----
1 Bill
2 Bob
3 Jim
Table: Skill
ID SkillName
-- -----
1 Carpentry
2 Telepathy
3 Navigation
4 Opera
5 Karate
Table: SkillLink
ID PersonID SkillID
-- -------- -------
1 1 2
2 3 1
3 1 5
如您所见,SkillLink 表的目的是将各种(可能是多个或没有)技能与个人匹配.我想用我的查询实现的结果是:
As you can see, the SkillLink table's purpose is to match various (possibly multiple or none) Skills to individual Persons. The result I'd like to achieve with my query is:
Name Skills
---- ------
Bill Telepathy,Karate
Jim Carpentry
So for each individual Person, I want a comma-joined list of all SkillNames pointing to him. This may be multiple Skills or none at all.
This is obviously not the actual data with which I'm working, but the structure is the same.
Please also feel free to suggest a better title for this question as a comment since phrasing it succinctly is part of my problem.
为此,您可以使用 FOR XML PATH
select p.name,
Stuff((SELECT ', ' + s.skillName
FROM skilllink l
left join skill s
on l.skillid = s.id
where p.id = l.personid
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') Skills
from person p
| Bill | Telepathy, Karate |
| Bob | (null) |
| Jim | Carpentry |