

我的Program表有很多Measures我的 Measure 表有很多 Targets我的 Target 表有一列名为money"

My Program table has many MeasuresMy Measure table has many TargetsMy Target table has a column called "money"

我的 ActiveRecord 查询如下所示:

My ActiveRecord query looks like this:

@programs2 = Program.includes([measures: :target]).where('organization_id = 1').limit(2)

我想定义一个范围,以便查询可以返回其 target.money 值最低的顶级程序.因此,我需要编写一个范围并将其应用于该查询,但是我应该如何以及在模型中的何处定义该范围,像这样?好吧,这行不通,但我知道的就这么多.

I want to define a scope such that the query can return top Programs that their target.money value is the lowest. So I need to write a scope and apply it to that query but How and Where in the model should I define that scope, something like this? Well this won't work but that's as much as I know.

scope :top5, :joins => [:measures, :targets]  ,  :order => "money DESC"


一个 Program 的 target.money 是多少,这个 Program 的所有 Measures 的所有 Targets.money 的总和?

What is the target.money of a Program, the sum of all Targets.money of all Measures for this Program ?


Target.order_by( :money => :desc ).map{|target| target.measure }.map{|measure| measure.program }.uniq



08-03 22:47