What are the pros and cons of breaking out optional 1:1 attributes into their own separate model.
For example, I just encountered Rails code like this:
class Dogs << ActiveRecord::Base
# :id (pk), :breed, :weight, :height, :tail_length
class DogSpotsInfo << ActiveRecord::Base
# :dog_id (pk), :spot_color, :avg_spot_size, :num_spots
But this is how I would have done it (leaving the spot fields null as necessary):
class Dogs << ActiveRecord::Base
# :id, :breed, :weight, :height, :tail_length, :spot_color, :avg_spot_size, :num_spots
At the DB level, I believe the only difference is queries involving the optional attributes will require another join?
Are there any other cons to the former approach? Are there any pros?
I guess on a massive dogs table where say 20% of dogs have spots, maybe one pro the former approach is faster sequential scans but I'm not 100% sure about that, and if that's the only pro it seems like premature optimization.
又亲我能想到的是它使车型更小,更整洁。但是,如果这是我们的目标,或许你能做到这一点,而不会影响数据库结构,通过具有类似 has_spots:现货
Another pro I can think of is it keeps the models smaller and neater. But if that is the goal, perhaps could you do it without affecting the DB structure, by having something like has_spots :spot
? What is the best practice here?
1:1 relationships are frequently decomposed when the relationship is of the "Is-A" type rather than of the "Has-A" type. In the extended ER model this is called "specialization". In the world of SQL tables, this sometimes goes by the name "Class Table Inheritance". You can look either of these terms up for a pretty good treatment of the corresponding subject.
Class Table Inheritance contrasts with "Single Table Inheritance" which results in a single table with NULLS in places where a value would be irrelevant. This looks like your choice for Dogs and Spots.
在汽车总动员的世界里,一个专业化可能是表车,一为汽车,一个是卡车。 (货车被称为卡车就在我身边的池塘。)汽车和卡车是专门类型的车辆。存储在卡车,而不是在车辆的属性是无关的车辆是不卡车属性。
In the world of "Cars", a specialization might be a table for "Vehicles", one for "Autos" and one for "Trucks". ("Lorries" are called "Trucks" on my side of the pond.) Autos and Trucks are specialized types of Vehicles. The attributes that are stored in trucks and not in vehicles are attributes that are irrelevant to vehicles that are not trucks.
The purpose is generally not to improve performance, but to improve the form of queries. Queries that are about truck data only can query the trucks table. Queries that are about vehicle data only can query the vehicles table. And queries that involve data about both vehicles and trucks can query a view that joins vehicles and trucks over a common column.
Contrary to what others have opined, narrow tables do outperform wide tables, although the effect is minor compared to indexing and joins.
You can combine Class Table Inheritance with a technique called "Shared Primary Key", which you can look up. You get very fast, and very easy joins compared to other ways of relating the tables to each other. Shared Primary keys involve more work at insert time, because you have to propagate the common value from the generalized table to the appropriate specialized table under program control.
If I were doing your case, I would look for ways to exploit specialization around the various fuel types you mentioned. Some of your queries might end up scanning only one of five specialized tables (aka "subclass tables") thereby running five times as fast.