

我正在尝试在鼠标悬停时更改 div 的背景颜色.

I'm trying to make a div's background color change on mouse over.

div {background:white;}
div a:hover{background:grey;宽度:100%;

只有 div 内的链接 获取背景颜色.

我可以做些什么来让整个 div 获得该背景颜色?


如何使整个 div 充当链接 - 当您单击该 div 上的任意位置时,将您带到一个地址.

how can I make the whole div to act as a link - when you click anywhere on that div, to take you to an address.


a:hover"字面上告诉浏览器更改<a>-tag,当鼠标悬停在它上面时.您的意思可能是div:hover",它会在选择 div 时触发.

The "a:hover" literally tells the browser to change the properties for the <a>-tag, when the mouse is hovered over it. What you perhaps meant was "the div:hover" instead, which would trigger when the div was chosen.

只是为了确保,如果您只想更改一个特定的 div,请给它一个 id ("<div id='something'>") 并使用 CSS "#something:hover {...}" 代替.如果要编辑一组 div,请将它们放入一个类(<div class='else'>")并使用 CSS .else {...}"在这种情况下(注意类名前的句点!)

Just to make sure, if you want to change only one particular div, give it an id ("<div id='something'>") and use the CSS "#something:hover {...}" instead. If you want to edit a group of divs, make them into a class ("<div class='else'>") and use the CSS ".else {...}" in this case (note the period before the class' name!)


07-18 11:57