我需要将一些 vanilla xml 转换为数据框.XML 是矩形数据的简单表示(参见下面的示例).我可以在 R 中使用 xml2 和几个 for 循环非常简单地实现这一点.但是,我确定有更好/更快的方法(purrr?).我最终将使用的 XML 非常大,因此更有效的方法是首选.我将不胜感激来自社区的任何建议.
I need to transform some vanilla xml into a data frame. The XML is a simple representation of rectangular data (see example below). I can achieve this pretty straightforwardly in R with xml2 and a couple of for loops. However, I'm sure there is a much better/faster way (purrr?). The XML I will be ultimately working with are very large, so more efficient methods are preferred. I would be grateful for any advice from the community.
demo_xml <-
dx <- read_xml(demo_xml)
episodes <- xml_find_all(dx, xpath = "//EPISODE")
dx_names <- xml_name(xml_children(episodes[1]))
df <- data.frame()
for(i in seq_along(episodes)) {
for(j in seq_along(dx_names)) {
df[i, j] <- xml_text(xml_find_all(episodes[i], xpath = dx_names[j]))
names(df) <- dx_names
#> item1 item2
#> 1 A 1
#> 2 B 2
This is a general solution which handles a varying number of different sub-nodes for each parent node. Each Episode node may have different sub-nodes.
This strategy parses the children nodes identifying the name and values of each sub node. Then it converts this list into a longer style dataframe and then reshapes it into your desired wider style:
demo_xml <-
dx <- read_xml(demo_xml)
#find all episodes
episodes <- xml_find_all(dx, xpath = "//EPISODE")
#extract the node names and values from all of the episodes
#Idenitify the number of subnodes under each episodes for labeling
IDlist<-rep(1:length(episodes), sapply(episodes, length))
#make a long dataframe
df<-data.frame(episodes=IDlist, nodenames, contents, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#make the dataframe wide, Remove unused blank nodes:
answer <- spread(df[df$contents!="",], nodenames, contents)
#tidyr 1.0.0 version
#answer <- pivot_wider(df, names_from = nodenames, values_from = contents)
# A tibble: 2 x 3
episodes item1 item2
<int> <chr> <chr>
1 1 A 1
2 2 B 2
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