I have a section of code that depending on the URL requested, will include one of fourteen other files. Some of these fourteen files require a connection to one of three different databases, and additional files can be added at anytime.
我不想默认打开PDO连接到所有三个数据库作为它浪费资源,并且会减慢执行时间。所以我的想法是将所有SQL查询包装在一个函数中。第一次在非打开的PDO连接上执行查询时,try {}错误处理程序可以捕获它,找出问题是什么(在这种情况下连接不存在),然后打开连接并重新执行查询。这样,数据库只在需要时连接到 - 只要连接字符串(主机,数据库,用户名,密码)都提前定义,我看不到任何问题在它工作。
I don't want to open PDO connections by default to all three database as its a waste of resources and will slow the execution time down. So my thought is to wrap all SQL queries within a function. The first time that a query is executed on a non-open PDO connection, the try {} error handler can catch it, find out what the problem was (in this case connection doesnt exist), then open the connection and re-execute the query. That way, the database is only being connected to as and when needed - as long as the connection string (host, database, username, password) are all defined in advance, I can't see any problem in it working.
但是,我需要推这个,并且没有访问开发框大约7天,所以任何人都可以看到任何问题的情况下?此外,如果连接未打开,任何人都可以给我错误消息,handler-> errorInfo()将返回。
However, I need to push on with this, and don't have access to the dev box for about 7 days, so can anyone see any problem with that scenario? Also, can anyone give me the error message that handler->errorInfo() will return if the connection isn't opened?
This is the right idea, but not the best implementation of it.
Wrapping the SQL operations is good. But why don't you do it this way:
class Wrapper {
private static $db;
public static function someQuery() {
$db = self::getDatabase();
// now go on to execute the query
private static function getDatabase() {
if (self::$db === null) {
self::$db = // connect here
return self::$db;
- 允许您将SQL操作逻辑分组到一个(或多个!)类中
- 不连接到数据库if
在您的具体情况下,您应该可以使用3个单独的 Wrapper
类。将所有内容放在一个类中是可行的(三个不同的 $ db
In your specific case, you should probably go with 3 separate Wrapper
classes. Putting everything into one class is doable (three different $db
variables) but probably more confusing than it's worth.