


I have a problem stopping a Parallel for each loop.


I am iterating over a set of about 40.000 DataRows retrieved from a table, and I need to stop my loop immediately when I have 100 items in my resultset. The problem is that when I trigger the Stop method on the ParallelLoopState, the iteration is not stopped immediately, causing inconsistency in my resultset ( either to few or to many items).


Is there no way to make sure, that I kill all threads, as soon as I hit stop?

  List<DataRow> rows = new List<DataRow>(dataTable.Select());
  ConcurrentDictionary<string, object> resultSet = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>();

  rows.EachParallel(delegate (DataRow row, ParallelLoopState state)
    if (!state.IsStopped)
      using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(Global.ConnStr))

        // Do some processing.......

        var sourceKey = "key retrieved from processing";
        if (!resultSet.ContainsKey(sourceKey))
          object myCustomObj = new object();

          (key, oldValue) => myCustomObj);

        if (resultSet.Values.Count == 100)


ParallelLoopState.Stop 解释说,调用Stop()将阻止新迭代的开始.它不会中止任何现有的迭代.

The documentation page of ParallelLoopState.Stop explains that calling Stop() will prevent new iterations from starting. It won't abort any existing iterations.

Stop()还将设置true的="noreferrer"> IsStopped 属性.长时间运行的迭代可以检查IsStopped的值,并在需要时过早退出.

Stop() also sets the IsStopped property to true. Long running iterations can check the value of IsStopped and exit prematurely if required.


This is called cooperative cancellation which is far better than aborting threads. Aborting a thread is expensive and makes cleanup difficult. Imagine what would happen if a ThreadAbort exception was thrown just when you wanted to commit your work.


Cooperative cancellation on the other hand allows a task to exit gracefully after commiting or aborting transactions as necessary, closing connections, cleaning up other state and files etc.


Furthermore, Parallel uses tasks, not threads, to process chunks of data. One of those threads is the original thread that started the parallel operation. Aborting wouldn't just waste threadpool threads, it would also kill the main thread.

这也不是 一个错误-Parallel旨在解决数据并行性问题,而不是异步执行.在这种情况下,人们希望系统使用尽可能多的任务来处理数据,并在处理完成后继续执行.

This is not a bug either - Parallel is meant to solve data parallelism problems, not asynchronous execution. In this scenario, one wants the system to use as many tasks as appropriate to process the data and continue once that processing is complete. 


08-22 23:40