

我试图制定了XMPP转弯基础游戏。 (唯一的解决办法,我发现了多平台游戏)。我可以毫无问题发送消息。如果其他用户不在线,服务器(Openfire的),保存以后交付。

I'm trying to develop a turn base game over XMPP. ( The only solution I found for multiplatform game ). I can send messages without problems. If the other user isn't online, the server (OpenFire) save it for later deliver.

问题卡梅斯当设备改变网络(从3克变化的WiFi,改变3克IP ...)或设备丢失网络(关闭3G,WIFI或丢失连接)。服务器认为该设备是在线和发送信息,但它(obviusly)从来没有到达,所以数据包丢失。

The problem cames when a device change the network ( change from 3g to WiFi, change 3g IP... ) or the device lost the network ( turn off 3g, wifi or lost connection ). The server thinks that the device is online and send the message but it ( obviusly ) never arrive, so packet is lost.


I know one solution. Implement ACK over my game protocol, but I don't like this idea to much. Do you have any other suggestion? I think this is a server problem. Do you know another server witch implements TCP or ACK?


编辑:我这样做:连接设备到服务器。我拒绝了3G和WiFi连接的设备。 Android和服务器仍然以为连接还活着。

I do that: Connect device to server. I turn down the 3G and WiFi connectivity to the device. Android and the server still thinking that the connection is alive.



PD: I ask to openfeint for they multiplayer api, but they didn't asnwer me...



Although BOSH will likely work in this case, another option is XEP-0198: Stream Management. This will allow you to have all of the performance of a fully-connected socket, along with quick reconnects, positive acking, and queuing while un-acked or disconnected in both directions.


08-20 07:05