安装 Rails 3 后,当我尝试进行迁移时,出现以下有关 Sqlite3 的错误:
After Installing Rails 3, I get the following error regarding Sqlite3 when I try to do a migrate:
我使用的是 Snow Leopard,如果这有区别的话.
I am using Snow Leopard, if that makes a difference.
我遇到了同样的问题.问题是您的 sqlite-ruby 接口没有正确安装在您的雪豹中.要安装它,请使用以下内容:-
I faced the same issue. The problem is that your sqlite-ruby interface is not installed properly in your snow leopard. To install that , use the following :-
sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby
但在安装之前,请检查您的 Mac 中是否安装了正确的 gcc.使用以下几行来检查:-
But before installing that check if a proper gcc is installed in your Mac.Use the below lines to check that :-
ok First of all check if the follwoing is installed:-
$gcc -v
如果没有,那么你必须先在你的雪豹中安装 Mac 开发者的 xcode 包.
您可以从该站点免费注册下载:- http://developer.apple.com/devcenter/马克
If not then you have to install Mac developers xcode package in your snow leopard first.
You can download using a free registration from this site:- http://developer.apple.com/devcenter/mac
For more reference take a look into my post : How to install ruby interface for sqlite3 in Mac snow leopard?
如果您在尝试这些之后仍然遇到问题,请告诉我您面临的错误.因为在让我的雪豹工作之前,我遇到了所有的错误;).所以我对我们通常犯的大多数错误和失误都很熟悉;) !!
If you face the problem the problem even after trying these please let me know the error your facing. Because I faced all the error before making my snow leopard work ;). So I 'm familiar to most of the errors and blunders we usually make ;) !!
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