我们现在正在与几个朋友一起测试我们的应用程序.有时会出现一些不会引发异常的错误.所以我真的不知道问题是什么.所以我认为实现一个菜单项是个好主意,它允许将 logcat 输出发送到电子邮件地址,以便我们可以检查日志.
We are now testing our application with a few friends. Sometimes there are some errors which don't throw an exception. So I don't really know whats the problem was. So I thought it would be a good idea to implement a menu item which allows to send the logcat output to a e-mail address, so that we can examine the log.
不幸的是,我没有在互联网上找到如何从手机中提取 logcat 的提示.如何发送电子邮件应该不是问题.
Unfortunately I didn't find a hint in the Internet how to extract the logcat from a phone. How to send an email shouldn't be the problem.
从 Android 4.1 开始,无法收集任意 LogCat 数据.从来没有记录和支持的方式来做到这一点,以及未记录/不受支持的方式 被锁在果冻豆.对于您自己的崩溃,您最好使用崩溃日志库,例如 ACRA.
It is not possible to collect arbitrary LogCat data as of Android 4.1. There was never a documented and supported way of doing that, and the undocumented/unsupported way was locked down in Jelly Bean. For your own crashes, you are better served using a crash logging library, like ACRA.
这篇关于将应用程序的 Logcat 输出发送到电子邮件地址的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!