


I want to create a bookmark in the stock android-browser from my own application. How can I do this?

我只找到了 Browser.saveBookmark - 方法( API-DOC ),但是这将显示一个新的窗口,用户可以更改数据。当我想从外部数据源导入书签我想直接和没有保存书签询问用户输入。

I only found the Browser.saveBookmark-Method (api-doc) but this displays a new window where the user can change the data. As I want to import bookmarks from a external data-source I want to save the bookmark directly and not ask the user for input.


如果你只是想允许用户添加一个书签,的 .saveBookmark()是你想要什么。但它看起来像你想要做大规模的更新,所以这可能是不够的,因为它只是打开浏览器的书签页面。

If you just want to allow the user to add a bookmark, android.provider.Browser.saveBookmark() is what you want. But it looks like you're wanting to do mass updates, so that's probably not enough since it just opens the browser's bookmarks page.


AFAIK there is no open API that ties directly into the browser's bookmarks. However, there is a content resolver for it which can be accessed android.provider.Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI. Once you've resolved the provider you can manipulate bookmarks by running queries, provided you have the com.android.browser.permission.READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS and com.android.browser.permission.WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS permissions.


If you're unfamiliar with content providers, they can get kinda hairy (doubly so if you're unfamiliar with SQL). However, the knowledge base has some good articles on them, and a quick google for "android content provider tutorial" should get you well on your way.


08-26 19:21