- 我正在使用各种浏览器(排除自动下载,因为某些浏览器不
- 我正在使用各种平台(排除AutoIT,仅限Windows应用程序)。
- PDF中的内容是基于以前与应用程序的交互动态生成,测试是断言生成的内容是否与预期值匹配,因此只需检查链接是否存在是不够的。
I've spent a while looking around on ways to handle it, the few things I've found of any relevance was AutoIT, changing the default downloads location & making the browser download files automatically, and just asserting the link works without downloading the file. Unfortunately, my situation rules out all three possibilities.
- I am using a variety of browsers (ruling out the automatic downloads as some browsers do not support this).
- I am using a variety of platforms (ruling out AutoIT, a Windows only application).
- The content within the PDF is dynamically generated based on previous interactions with the application, the test is to assert whether the content generated matches the expected values, so just checking if the link exists is not enough.
Because the download dialog being presented is managed by the OS, I'm not sure whether it is possible to use Selenium for what I intend, however I thought I would ask first to see if anyone does know any solutions using Selenium, or instead can recommend some other acceptable means of testing?
As far as I know you can't use selenium for that, for the reasons you stated yourself. However, I think the best way to approach this is to download the generated pdf directly without selenium. Since you know its url, you can maybe use the approach outlined in this article. It describes the use of "Powder-Monkey" to do exactly what you want to do.