


I have another thread asking help on "missing zlib". With the nice help the problem has been resolved (almost).

现在,我有兴趣自己构建Python(在Ubuntu 10.10上).

Now I am interested in building Python myself (on Ubuntu 10.10).


A few important questions have caught my attention:

  1. 在构建Python(例如2.7.1)之后,如果缺少模块,是否需要重新构建Python?

  1. After building Python (say 2.7.1), do I need to rebuild Python if I have missing modules?

有没有一种方法可以在构建Python之前找出缺少的模块?说sqlite3.我已为系统默认值(Python 2.6.6)安装了sqlite3,并且可以将其导入Python 2.6.6 shell中.现在,我使用pythonbrew来构建2.7.1,并且在外壳程序中我无法导入sqlite3,因为_sqlite3不可用.我确信还有一些更重要的内容需要我将来开发(例如Django ..).

Is there a way to find out what modules will be missing prior to building Python? Say sqlite3. I have sqlite3 installed for the system default (Python 2.6.6), and I can import that into Python 2.6.6 shell. Now I use pythonbrew to build 2.7.1, and in the shell I cannot import sqlite3 because _sqlite3 is not available. I am sure there are a few more important one missing which I need for future development (such as Django..).

我愿意学习如何在不使用 pythonbrew 的情况下进行构建.

I am willing to learn how to build without using pythonbrew.


Please share with me your experience in building another version of Python, and how would you address the problem of missing modules? Is there a practical solution to building Python?


I have never bothered building one myself, so please bear with me. I am beginning to realize the importance of learning and building one myself! Thank you very much!



First I thank you all of your inputs. They meant a lot. I did the building.

Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules were not found:
_bsddb             _curses            _curses_panel
_tkinter           bsddb185           bz2
dbm                gdbm               readline
sunaudiodev        _sqlite3
To find the necessary bits, look in setup.py in detect_modules() for the module's name.


I got sqlite3 and readline away by

sudo apt-get install libreadline6 libreadline6-dev
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev


I tried to import them, but still "no named module xxxx".

AskUbuntu 上,我实际上问过人们如何获取以前的命令,因为我无法使用该功能当我使用Python 2.7.1 shell时.我相信这是由于readline.阅读热线

At AskUbuntu I actually asked people how to get previous commands because I couldn't use that feature when I am in Python 2.7.1 shell. I believe it's due to readline.Readline


I installed the Python-2.7.1 under this directory: /home/jwxie518/python27/


I looked into setup.py, I found the following lines:

# The sqlite interface
sqlite_setup_debug = False   # verbose debug prints from this script?

# We hunt for #define SQLITE_VERSION "n.n.n"
# We need to find >= sqlite version 3.0.8
sqlite_incdir = sqlite_libdir = None
sqlite_inc_paths = [ '/usr/include',


All the paths listed above do not exist.So I guess I have to install sqlite3 manually? I got another reference here (it's in Chinese, however)

# Download the latest and extract
# Go into the extracted directory
./configure --prefix=/home/jwxie518/python27/python
make && make install
# Then edit python-2.7 's setup.py before rebuild it
# Sample (add these two lines to the end....)

# Then rebuild python like how we did before

我进入了安装sqlite3的目录.我只找到了 include/sqlite3.h .因此,我回过头来检查/usr/include/.我也只能找到sqlite3.h.

I went into my directory where I installed sqlite3. I found include/sqlite3.h only. So I went back and check /usr/include/. I can only find sqlite3.h too.

那么这是怎么回事? Readline也不重要.

So what is going on here? Readline is also non-importable.


3RD EDITI started everything over, except I didn't reinstall sqlite3.

# Extract Python-2.7.1
# cd into Python-2.7.1
# ./configure
make >make.out 2>&1
less make.out

make.out在这里: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i= 7k3BfxZQ

make.out is here: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=7k3BfxZQ


I still couldn't import sqlite3. So I went into setup.py and made changes:

# We hunt for #define SQLITE_VERSION "n.n.n"
# We need to find >= sqlite version 3.0.8
sqlite_incdir = sqlite_libdir = None
sqlite_inc_paths = [ '/usr/include',


Then again, ran everything over (this time I also did make clean)

输出在这里: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=8ZKgAcWn


According to the output, I don't think the custom path is included.... (for complete output please go to the link above and search for sqlite)


I still cannot import sqlite3.


非常感谢Michael Dillon,帮助我.您的教程简洁明了.

Thank you very much, Michael Dillon, for helping me out. Your tutorial was neat and clear.


I solved the problem as soon as I realized whenever I tried Python-2.7.1, I was actually using the one installed by Pythonbrew.

故事的寓意被读懂了所有的错误.我忽略了导入sqlite3所产生的错误. Pythonbrew安装的一个没有安装sqlite3.在SQLbrew安装Python-2.7.1之后安装了sqlite3的开发包.

The moral of the story is read all the errors. I neglected the errors generated by importing sqlite3. The one installed by Pythonbrew didn't have sqlite3 installed. The development package for sqlite3 was installed after Pythonbrew installed the Python-2.7.1




Here is how to build Python and fix any dependencies. I am assuming that you want this Python to be entirely separate from the Ubuntu release Python, so I am specifying the --prefix option to install it all in /home/python27 using the standard Python layout, i.e. site-packages instead of dist-packages.

1. Get the .tar.gz file into your own home directory.
2. tar zxvf Py*.tar.gz
3. cd Py*1
4. ./configure --prefix=/home/python27
5. make
6. make install


Step 5 is the important one. At the end, it will display a list of any modules that could not be built properly. Often you can fix this by installing an Ubuntu package, and rerunning make.

a. sudo apt-get install something-dev
b. make


It is pretty common to have a problem because you are missing the -dev addon to some module or other. But sometimes you should start over like this:

a. make clean
b. ./configure --prefix=/home/python27
c. make


Starting over never hurts if you are unsure. An important note about step 6. I am not using sudo on this command which means that you will need to have the /home/python27 directory already created with the appropriate ownership.

在构建某些东西之前不要犹豫尝试./configure --help |less,因为您可能会使用一些有趣的选项.为了使gdbm正常运行,我不得不在一个最小的发行版上做一次--with-dbmliborder = gdbm:bdb.当您运行./configure时,最后几行将告诉您它将所学信息放在何处.对于Python,Modules/Setup有助于找出如何构建模块.

Don't hesitate to try out ./configure --help |less before building something because there may be interesting options that you could use. One time on a minimal distro I had to do --with-dbmliborder=gdbm:bdb in order to get gdbm working. When you run ./configure, the last few lines will tell you where it put the information that it learned. In the case of Python, Modules/Setup has been useful to figure out how to get a module to build.

另一个有用的事情是make clean,然后运行make >make.out 2>&1来捕获整个制造过程中的所有输出.然后,完成后,使用less或编辑器在问题模块(例如_sqlite)上查找详细信息.例如,检查传递给gcc的所有-I选项.如果正确的包含目录不在列表中,将导致问题.您可以编辑setup.py更改包含目录的列表.

Another useful thing is to make clean and then run make >make.out 2>&1 to capture all the output from the full make process. Then, after it is complete, use less or an editor to look for the details on a problem module such as _sqlite. For instance, check all the -I options that are passed to gcc. If the correct include directory is not on the list that would cause a problem. You can edit setup.py to change the list of include directories.

过去,更常见的问题是通过完全注销来解决库问题,方法是先注销,重新登录并运行"sudo ldconfig".

In the past it was more common to have library problems that would be fixed by logging out, logging in again, and running "sudo ldconfig" before doing a complete rebuild.


09-05 10:14