我需要一个批处理文件,该文件将在数百个.txt文件内容的开头的新行中添加文本"Write In",而不会删除任何现有文本.我在这里发现了一些对我不起作用的东西.有人有建议吗?
I need a batch file that will add the text "Write In" in a new line at the beginning of the content of hundreds of .txt files without removing any existing text. I found something on here that did not work for me. Anyone have suggestions?
This is the code I was working with:
for /r %%a in (*.txt) do (
echo ---- %%a before ----
type "%%a"
echo --------------------
echo Write In > "%%a.tmp"
type "%%a" >> "%%a.tmp"
del "%%a"
move "%%a.tmp" "%%a"
echo ---- %%a after ----
type "%%a"
echo --------------------
rem // Create temporary header file:
> "head.txt" echo Write In
rem // Iterate all text files in current directory:
for %%F in ("*.txt") do (
rem /* Combine header and currently iterated text file into a temporary file;
rem there cannot arise any file name conflicts (like temporary files becoming
rem iterated also unintendedly, or temporary files overwriting files to handle),
rem because the extension of the temporary files differ from the text files: */
copy /B "head.txt"+"%%~F" "%%~F.tmp"
rem // Overwrite original text file by temporary file, erase the latter:
move /Y "%%~F.tmp" "%%~F"
rem // Erase the temporary header file:
del "head.txt"